Features (Click Detection)
The Click Detection feature monitors forces and torques throughout the nodes placed within it. This feature senses if a drop in the force
or torque is then followed by a sudden rise, thus making a " click" . If a click is detected within the Click detection node, the program then
skips the remaining instruction lines that are included in the Click detection node. The program automatically goes to the following
Indeed, a program instruction can be added if no click is detected.
To perform a click button action, as shown by the animated gif, a Find Surface function has to be added up in the Click
detection node.
Features (Wait for Force)
The Wait for Force feature is used to detect a specific force or torque inside a Force Control node. The program waits until the force or
torque is reached prior to the program continuation. The values are defined by the Force Control's force and torque parameters. To be
sure the program is not incessantly running, a Timeout option is available.