1. General Presentation
The Robotiq External Tool Finishing Kit, is an application Kit that allows you to automate finishing tasks with the combination of a
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper and a Finishing Copilot software. The Robotiq Finishing Copilot enables you to program an external TCP and
let the robot knows that the finishing tool is external to the robot. The finishing tasks is then processed with the robot bringing the part
to the external TCP, which allows the robot to control the force on a trajectory with the external tool.
Finishing Copilot’s contact offset node uses a point on the external tool as a reference to measure wear. With 0.2 mm precision, contact
offset validates the tool’s exact position anytime you wish. If there’s a slight change, the robot program will automatically adapt all
related parameters.
1.1. Robotiq Hand-EGripper
The Robotiq Hand-E Gripper is a robotic peripheral designed for industrial applications. It is a unique robotic designed to quickly pick,
place and handle parts in a broad range of sizes and shapes.
This manual uses the metric system. Unless otherwise specified, all dimensions are in millimeters.
1.1.1. Gripper nomenclature
The Hand-E Gripper is a parallel gripper. Its two fingers are actuated by a single motor.
Fig. 1-1: Robotiq Hand-E Gripper
External Tool Finishing Kit - Instruction Manual