External Tool Finishing Kit - Instruction Manual
Edit action screen
Tap Edit action from the Command window and use the Edit action screen to edit the Gripper’s parameters and adjust its position,
speed and force. In normal usage conditions, the Gripper will move as soon as you change the position setting. The Gripper will not
move if it is not properly powered, connected and activated.
The Gripper needs to be activated before it can receive a command. To do so, use the rq_activate_and_wait() function script
at the beginning of the program or activate with the Gripper toolbar. Starting from Gripper URCap version 1.0.2, the gripper
activation script command (rq_activate() or rq_activate_and_wait()) must be preceded by the reset command (rq_reset()). This
will force the gripper's activation routine. Thus, if the gripper was already activated, it will activate again.
Fig. 4-11: Edit action screen
Primary Icon
Functionality Name
Tap to fully open the Gripper. Use this when you want to grip an object
(internal grip), for example.
Tap to fully close the Gripper. Use this when you want to grip an object
(external grip), for example.