Radio Control System
The Radio Control System consists of the control transmitter unit held by the operator
and the receiver with its associated components in the robot.
The Radio Control Transmitter converts movements of the control sticks and switches
into a coded radio signal, which is transmitted by radio to the Radio Control Receiver
within the robot. The signal is received and then decoded by the micro-controller, which
is on the main circuit board in the robot. The micro-controller controls functions based on
what was sent from the radio control transmitter.
Refer to the diagram showing the radio control transmitter for the location of controls.
Check all of the trim adjustments on the transmitter and make sure they are in their
center position. Extend the Radio Control Transmitter Antenna 1/4 to 1/2 way. Turn the
Radio Control Transmitter on first and then turn on the main robot power switch. It is
necessary for the robot to always have an operating signal when it is on, if there is no
signal you will not have full control of the robot.
The right hand joystick controls movement of the robot's drive wheels. Pushing the stick
forward will cause the robot to move forward. Pulling the stick back will cause the robot
to move backward. Moving the stick to the right or left will cause the robot to turn to the
right or left respectively. Movement is fully proportional so any variation or combination
of movement is possible. The horizontal and vertical trim tabs to the left and below the
joystick are for centering and should be adjusted periodically.
Control of the left and right eyelids is on Switch bank 1, switches #6 and #7 (See the
radio control diagram) found on the upper left hand of the Radio Control Transmitter.
Pushing it closes the eyelids. The eyelids can be operated together with switch #8.
Pushing this switch closes the eyelids for blinking of the eyelids. The eyes left and right
move when you turn the head. The eyes will look in the direction that you are turning,
adding animation to the robot.
The left joystick left and right moves Character’ head. The slider control below the stick
should be left in the center so that the head stays in the center. Forward and back
movement of the joystick tips the head up and down. By moving the stick all around you
get fully proportional movement.
For a detail of other functions, see the radio control diagram on the next page. All of
these functions are labeled on the radio control itself.
A charge plug is provided on the transmitter for recharging its internal battery (#7 on the
diagram). The transmitter power switch must be in the off position before charging the
batteries. A charge light on the charger will come on while charging.