AM wide and AM narrow.
31 :Handle
32 :FM/SW external antenna socket
33 :MW external antenna socket
34 :AM IF output socket
35 :Battery compartment
36 :Audio output connector
37 :Battery size selector, the battery compartment has two different
battery grooves, can put two different size batteries.
38 :External DC power socket (6-9V)
39 :External AC power socket(230V) .
LCD display indicator diagram
Sleep indicator
Ste re o indic ato r
Ke y lo c k ind ic ato r
Ti mer A indicator
Time r B indic at o r
St atio n signal
st re ngt h ind ic ato r
Wo rld time indic a to r
Wo rld t ime
zo ne indic a to r
Slo w,fa st,
sto p indic a to r
Fre que nc y unit indic a to r
FM fre que nc y unit
MW/SW fre que nc y unit
Time o r fre que nc y
indic ato r
1 2/24 hr am o r p m
fo rma t indic ato r
Lo c al t ime
indic at o r
MW ba nd
indic at o r
FM band
indic at o r
SW ba nd
indic at o r
Ba tte ry me t e r
indic at o r
Timer A
Timer B
Ext. Po we r indic a to r