Rhein-Nadel Automation GmbH
VT-MA-SRC 160-800-EN_2019 / 20.03.2019 SJ
Feeder speed is not constant?
If the feeder speed in the bowl is no longer constant you can balance the bowl by adding counter-weights.
Attach a counterweight to the side that is running fast.
If the addition of counter-weights is not possible, you can also proceed as follows:
Remove a spring from the spring pack located on the 'slow' side.
Add a spring to the spring pack located on the 'fast' side.
Noise emission
The noise level at the place of use depends on the complete line in which the hopper will be incorporated and on the
material to be sorted. For this reason, sound pressure levels in accordance with the 'Machinery' directive can only be
determined at the place of installation.
If the noise level at the place of use exceeds the permissible, sound-insulating hoods can be installed which we can
offer on request (see our catalogue).
Vibratory feeders basically require no maintenance. They should only be cleaned when soiled or after coming into con-
tact with liquids.
Before starting such work pull the mains plug.
Remove the enclosure.
Clean the inside of the vibratory feeder, and in particular the air gap of the coil.
After remounting the enclosure and plugging in the mains plug the vibratory feeder is again ready for operation.
Spare parts and customer service
For an overview of genuine spare parts available please refer to the separate spare parts list.
In order to make sure that your order is processed swiftly and correctly please specify the device type (see rating
plate), the quantity required, the spare part designation and the spare part number.
Device type (see rating plate)
Required quantity
Spare part designation
Spare part number
For a list of Service Center addresses refer to the back cover page of this manual.