95 • Bump Testing
14 . The SDM-6000 will then apply calibration gas in the order of the instrument’s
sensors for the length of time defined in the GAS bump test parameter. For
example, if you are bump testing a 4-gas + low range PID instrument, gas will
be applied to the 4-gas sensors and then gas will be applied to the low range
PID sensor regardless of what SDM-6000 inlet fitting those gas cylinders are
assigned to. The only exception is that HCN will always be applied before any
other gas. The SDM-6000 will analyze the results after the end of each gas
application. If the bump test fails and Auto Cal. is set to On, the gas will keep
flowing and a calibration will automatically begin. Calibration gas will continue
to be applied so that the total gas application time is the time defined by the
GAS calibration parameter. This time includes the time that the GX-6000 was
being bump tested. If the GAS
calibration parameter
is set to 90 seconds and
the GAS
bump test parameter
is set to 30 seconds, the GX-6000 will sample
gas for an additional 60 seconds to bring the total exposure time to 90
Once the calibration is over, the SDM-6000 will continue with the next gas
application or with the post-sample purge, whichever is appropriate.
15 . A post-sample purge will begin.
16 . If the Alarm Check bump test parameter is selected, an alarm check will begin.
The buzzer will sound, the LEDs will turn on for a few seconds, the vibrator will
vibrate, and the SDM-6000 will determine if these actions were completed
17 . Once the bump test is over, the Function Tab will display a BUMP End button.
To view the test results, press the Unit button to display the Unit Tab. The
displayed results will alternate between bump test results and alarm check
results. The test results will display on the Unit Tab until you press the BUMP
End button in the Function Tab even if the GX-6000 is turned off.
18 . If a printer is connected:
a. If Auto Print is selected, the bump test results will automatically print.
b. If Auto Print is not selected, a Print button will appear in the Function
Tab’s Bump Test screen. Press the Print button to print the bump test
19 . Press the Function Tab to display the Function Tab if it is not already
displayed. Press the BUMP End button to return to the top level Function Tab
screen. The test results that were being displayed in the Unit Tab will
disappear once the BUMP End button is pressed.
20 . To perform any other operations, press the BUMP, CAL, or Alarm Check
buttons on the Function Tab.
21 . To turn the GX-6000 off:
If the bump test was successful, the GX-6000 will shut off after 15 seconds. If
the bump test failed, the GX-6000 will shut off after 10 minutes. If buttons are
pressed before the SDM-6000 turns off the GX-6000, the station will