Quick Start Up Guide for GateGuard Kit
Congratulations on your purchase of Ritron’s “RGG1” GateGuard Kit. This short
quick start guide will help simplify your installation.
Ritron’s GateGuard Kit enables you to wirelessly and remotely activate any gate,
door, or any other piece of equipment that has a motorized operator.
Kit Contents:
Make sure your package includes all of these items:
RPS-EXPO Power Supply for the Callbox
JBS Base Station Radio
JBS-MMK Base Station Mounting Bracket
JMX Handheld Radio
BCJS-AD Drop-In Charger for the Handheld Radio
Steps to Ensure Ease of Installation:
Unpack all of the items.
For Questions or Comments Contact Ritron at 800-872-1872.
Charge the Handheld Radio using your drop-in charger for 16 hours to
ensure full charge of the battery.
Unscrew the fasteners of the Callbox faceplate and open the internal box
to install NI-Cad rechargeable D-Cell batteries. Once the rechargeable
batteries are installed, change the battery charge jumper switch to the
“ON” position.
See Page 16 in the Callbox Manual.
Drill hole in the bottom or the back of the callbox to run the power wires
and switch closure wires into the Callbox.
Installing Your System:
JMX Handheld
RQX Callbox
JBS Base Station
Installing your Base Station
1) Plug your Base Station’s power supply (RPS-1A) transformer into a
standard 120VAC outlet and plug the male end of the power supply
into the back of your Base Station.