Dig the hole and lay a 15cm reinforced concrete base with a soak away underneath and ensure the pit
has retaining walls of sufficient structural strength (back filling is not recommended).
Please make sure the soak away is sufficient to ensure your hole cannot become full of water because
your warranty will not cover flooded electrical components (it is better to site the soak away at the
inspection pit end of the pool near the electrical compartment), also please ensure leaves and other
objects can be removed easily to ensure your soak away cannot become blocked. It may be advisable to
install a submersible pump with a float switch as a secondary defence against your pit flooding.
The electrics are not designed to get wet, we recommend you seek qualified help in designing and
building your pit to ensure it cannot flood with water and is structurally sound.
In Decking: If you are sinking your pool and decking around it please remember to provide a trapdoor in
the decking to allow access to the electrical compartment. Please ensure the electrical compartment has
some ventilation for correct functioning. If decking up to/around pool, we would recommend decking after
With Cover Lifting Device: If you are going to sink your pool and are fitting a cover mate lid lifting device
please only semi sink the pool to a height of 40cm above ground or deck level to allow the lifting arms to
operate. If using a Cover Mate deck mount lid lifting device you can fully sink your pool as the lifting arms
can be attached to the decking.
Pit Depth: Base to bottom of lip 1470mm (+/- 30mm)
Access to Doors: Consideration should be given to accessing the service doors, which extend across the
middle 2000mm of the control panel end to a height of 1470mm. The doors must able to open fully for
both our technicians to access the controls
Semi-Sinking Pool: If you wish to only semi sink your pool and want to gain access to your equipment
compartment via the upper removable door please only semi sink your pool to a depth of 72cm. This will
allow us to access the components for routine inspection maintenance. Please Note: You still require a pit
and removable deck section for full access if pump replacement is required.
Please refer to the Electrical Supply and Base Instructions on page 1 with regards to necessary location of
electrical sockets.
If you have any questions or queries regarding sinking your exercise pool, please contact your sales
person or the installation department handling your install.
Please Note: Any photographic representations of
Riptide Pools
products are for display purposes only, please refer to plan diagrams and
installation instructions for accurate information. Revised Mar-15.