Chapter 4 Functions of the Front Panel of EMI
RSA3000E User Guide
System Function
Sets the system parameters.
Functions include: select the instrument settings to be recalled after the analyzer is
powered on ("Last" or "Preset"); set the preset type ("Default" or one of the items
from "User1" to "User6"); save system configuration.
Power On
Sets the power on setting to "Last" or "Preset".
When "Last" is selected, the last system settings before power-off would be
recalled automatically at power-on.
When "Preset" is selected, settings defined in Preset Type would be
recalled automatically at power-on.
Preset Type
Sets the preset type to "Default" (by default) or any one of the items from
"User1" to "User6".
When Power On is set to "Preset", the specified preset type will be recalled
at power-on.
After the instrument starts, press Preset on the front panel in any
operation interface will recall the specified preset type.
Save User Preset
Saves the current system setting as user-defined settings to the internal
non-volatile memory. You can store up to 6 system states (correspond to
"User1" to "User6" in the preset type) and name each state file.
When one of the items from "User1" to "User6" is selected under Preset Type,
press Save User Preset, and the instrument automatically completes the
saving operation.
Align Now
Press this key and the analyzer will use the internal calibration source to perform
a self-calibration immediately.
Align Auto
Enables or disables auto self-calibration. If auto self-calibration is enabled, the