Trigger Mode
The following is the schematic diagram of the acquisition memory. To better
understand the trigger event, you can think of the trigger event as dividing
acquisition memory into a pre-trigger and post-trigger buffer.
Pre-trigger Buffer
Post-trigger Buffer
Trigger Event
Acquisition Memory
Figure 8.1 Schematic Diagram of the Acquisition Memory
After the oscilloscope starts running, it first fills the pre-trigger buffer. Then, after the
pre-trigger buffer is filled, the oscilloscope starts searching for a trigger. While
searching for the trigger, the data sampled will still be transmitted to the pre-trigger
buffer (the new data will continuously overwrite the previous data). When a trigger is
found, the pre-trigger buffer contains the events that occurred just before the trigger.
Then, the oscilloscope will fill the post-trigger buffer and display the data in the
acquisition memory. If the acquisition is initiated via the front-panel
key, the
process repeats; if the acquisition is initiated via the
key, it stops after finishing
a single acquisition (you can pan and zoom the currently displayed waveform).
This series provides Auto (default), Normal, and Single trigger modes.
Click or tap the trigger information label (as shown in the figure below) at the top of
the screen or press the front-panel
key to open the "Trigger" menu. In the
Sweep item, you can quickly switch the current trigger mode. The selected trigger
mode is displayed in the trigger information label at the top of the screen: A (Auto), N
(Normal), or S (Single).
Auto: In this trigger mode, if the specified trigger conditions are not found,
triggers are forced and acquisitions are made so that signal activity is displayed
on the oscilloscope. This trigger mode can be used when the signal levels are
unknown, when the DC signals should be displayed, or when trigger conditions
occur often enough that forced triggers are unnecessary.
Triggering the Oscilloscope
HDO1000 User Guide
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