Triggering the Oscilloscope
The trigger system allows you to set specific trigger conditions as required. The
oscilloscope captures a waveform as well as its neighboring part and displays them
on the screen once a particular trigger condition is met. For a digital oscilloscope, it
samples waveform continuously no matter whether it is stably triggered. Rather, only
stable triggering can produce stable display. The trigger module ensures that every
time base sweep or acquisition starts from the user-defined trigger condition, namely
every sweep is synchronous with the acquisition and the waveforms acquired are
overlapped so as to display the stable waveforms.
You should set the triggers based on the features of the input signal. To quickly
capture your desired waveforms, you need to understand the signal under test. This
oscilloscope provides a variety of trigger types that help you focus on the desired
waveform details.
You can enter the Trigger menu in the following ways:
Press the front-panel
key to enter the trigger menu.
menu, click or tap the Trigger button to enter the trigger
Click or tap the trigger label (as shown in the figure below) at the top of the
screen to enter the trigger menu.
Trigger Source
In the "Trigger" menu, click or tap the drop-down button of Source to select the
desired source. Analog channels (CH1-CH4), AC Line, or EXT (external trigger) can all
be selected as the trigger source.
Analog channel input
Signals input from analog channels CH1-CH4 can all be used as trigger sources. No
matter whether the channel selected is enabled, the channel can work normally.
AC line input
The trigger signal is obtained from the AC power input of the oscilloscope. AC trigger
is usually used to measure signals relevant to the AC power frequency. For example, it
can stably trigger the waveform output from the transformer of a transformer
substation. It is mainly used in related measurements of the power industry.
Triggering the Oscilloscope
HDO1000 User Guide
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