Figure 18.2 Vector Display
Persistence Time
In the Display setting menu, click or tap the drop-down button of Persistence Time
to select the persistence time. The available values are Min, specific values (100 ms,
200 ms, 500 ms, 1 s, 2 s, 5 s, 10 s), and Infinite.
In the following part, a frequency sweep signal of the sine waveform is used to show
the waveform effects in different persistence times.
Enables you to view waveform changing in high refresh rate.
Specific Values
Enables you to view glitches that change relatively slowly or glitches with lower
occurrence probability. The persistence time can be set to 100 ms, 200 ms, 500
ms, 1 s, 2 s, 5 s, or 10 s.
In this mode, the oscilloscope displays the waveform newly acquired without
clearing the waveforms acquired formerly. The waveforms acquired formerly will
be displayed in relatively low-brightness color and the newly acquired
waveforms will be displayed in normal brightness and color. Infinite persistence
can be used to measure noise and jitter and to capture incidental events.
Waveform Intensity
In Display menu, drag the slide bar of Wave Intensity to set the brightness of
waveforms. The default is 50%, and the range available is from 1% to 100%.
To Set the Screen Grid
In the Display menu, select "FULL", "HALF", or "NONE" in Grid.
Display Control
HDO1000 User Guide
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