DS4000E Programming Guide
:CURSor Commands
Cursors are the horizontal and vertical marks that can be used to measure the X-axis values and Y-axis
values of the source channel waveform. The cursor measurement function provides X cursors and Y cursors
(as shown in the figure below).
X Cursor
X cursor is a vertical solid/dotted line that is used to make horizontal adjustments. It can be used to
measure time (s), frequency (Hz), phase (°), and ratio (%).
Cursor A (X cursor) is a vertical solid line, and Cursor B (X cursor) is a vertical dotted line.
When the measurement source is FFT, X cursor denotes frequency.
In the X-Y cursor mode, X cursor is used to measure the waveform amplitude of CH1 or CH3.
Y Cursor
Y cursor is a horizontal solid/dotted line that is used to make vertical adjustment. It can be used to
measure amplitude (the unit is the same as that of the source channel amplitude) and ratio (%).
Cursor A (Y cursor) is a horizontal solid line, and Cursor B (Y cursor) is a horizontal dotted line.
When the measurement source is MATH, the measurement unit corresponds to the MATH
function unit.
In the X-Y cursor mode, Y cursor is used to measure the waveform amplitude of CH2 or CH4.
Command List:
Cursor A (X Cursor)
Cursor B (X Cursor)
Cursor B
(Y Cursor)
Cursor A
(Y Cursor)