Programming Guide
MSO2000A/DS2000A Series
Digital Oscilloscope
May 2014
RIGOL Technologies, Inc.
Page 1: ...RIGOL Programming Guide MSO2000A DS2000A Series Digital Oscilloscope May 2014 RIGOL Technologies Inc...
Page 2: ......
Page 3: ...ding material RIGOL shall not be liable for either incidental or consequential losses in connection with the furnishing use or performance of this manual as well as any information contained Any part...
Page 4: ...his Manual MSO2000A DS2000A series includes the following models Unless otherwise noted this manual takes MSO2302A S as an example to illustrate the functions and using method of the command system of...
Page 5: ...2 2 RUN 2 2 STOP 2 2 SINGle 2 3 TFORce 2 3 TLHAlf 2 3 IEEE 488 2 Common Commands 2 4 CLS 2 4 ESE 2 5 ESR 2 6 IDN 2 6 OPC 2 7 RST 2 7 SRE 2 8 STB 2 9 TST 2 10 ACQuire Commands 2 11 ACQuire AVERages 2...
Page 6: ...el n Commands 2 66 CHANnel n BWLimit 2 66 CHANnel n COUPling 2 67 CHANnel n DISPlay 2 67 CHANnel n INVert 2 68 CHANnel n IMPedance 2 68 CHANnel n OFFSet 2 69 CHANnel n SCALe 2 70 CHANnel n PROBe 2 71...
Page 7: ...d 2 117 LA GROup n APPend 2 117 LA BUS n CURRent 2 118 LA BUS n DISPlay 2 118 LA BUS n CHANnel 2 119 LA BUS n FORMat 2 119 LAN Commands 2 120 LAN DHCP 2 120 LAN AUToip 2 121 LAN GATeway 2 122 LAN DNS...
Page 8: ...ure SETup MID 2 141 MEASure SETup MIN 2 141 MEASure SETup PSA 2 142 MEASure SETup PSB 2 142 MEASure SETup DSA 2 143 MEASure SETup DSB 2 143 MEASure AREA 2 144 MEASure CREGion CAX 2 144 MEASure CREGion...
Page 9: ...05 RECall TRACe 2 206 RECall WAVeform 2 206 REFerence Commands 2 207 REFerence n CURRent 2 207 REFerence n ENABle 2 208 REFerence COLor 2 208 REFerence CURRent 2 209 REFerence DISPlay 2 209 REFerence...
Page 10: ...Rce n MOD FM DEVIation 2 234 SOURce n MOD FM INTernal FREQuency 2 234 SOURce n MOD FM INTernal FUNCtion 2 235 SOURce n APPLy NOISe 2 236 SOURce n APPLy PULSe 2 236 SOURce n APPLy RAMP 2 236 SOURce n A...
Page 11: ...2 259 TRACe n DATA 2 259 TRACe n DATA DAC16 2 260 TRACe n DATA DAC 2 261 TRACe n DATA LOAD 2 262 TRACe n DATA POINts 2 262 TRACe n DATA POINts INTerpolate 2 263 TRACe n DATA VALue 2 264 TRIGger Comma...
Page 12: ...m XORigin 2 336 WAVeform XREFerence 2 336 WAVeform YINCrement 2 336 WAVeform YORigin 2 337 WAVeform YREFerence 2 337 WAVeform STARt 2 338 WAVeform STOP 2 339 WAVeform BEGin 2 339 WAVeform END 2 339 WA...
Page 13: ...command string usually starts with the keywords are separated by and are followed by the parameter settings available is added at the end of the command string to indicate query or execute the corresp...
Page 14: ...iangle Brackets The parameter enclosed in the triangle brackets must be replaced by an effective value Parameter Type 1 Bool The parameter could be OFF ON 0 or 1 For example MEASure ADISplay bool MEAS...
Page 15: ...an be set to any real number between 0 0000001 or 1 000000e 07 namely 100 ns to 10 or 0 1e 02 namely 10 s The query returns a real number in scientific notation 5 ASCII String The parameter should be...
Page 16: ......
Page 17: ...Put n Commands MSO2000A S DS2000A S RECall Commands REFerence Commands SAVE Commands SOURce n Commands MSO2000A S DS2000A S SYSTem Commands TIMebase Commands TRACe n Commands MSO2000A S DS2000A S TRIG...
Page 18: ...o SYSTem AUToscale When the current status of the pass fail function is Enable Test this command is not available For the details please refer to MASK ENABle CLEar Syntax CLEar Description Clear all t...
Page 19: ...mode using the TFORce command can generate a trigger signal forcefully You can use the RUN and STOP command to set the oscilloscope to Auto trigger mode and STOP state respectively TFORce Syntax TFOR...
Page 20: ...some common commands used for querying the basic information of the instrument or executing basic operations These commands usually start with and the keyword of the command is usually 3 character lon...
Page 21: ...binary bit is 1 otherwise it is 0 Definitions of the bits in ESE register Bit Weights Name Enable 7 128 PON Power On 6 64 URQ User Request 5 32 CME Command Error 4 16 EXE Execution Error 3 8 DDE Dev D...
Page 22: ...mat The query returns an integer between 0 and 255 which equals the sum of the binary weights expressed in decimal of all the bits that have already been set in the register For example the query retu...
Page 23: ...omplete bit bit 0 in the standard event status register to 1 after the current operation is finished Query whether the current operation is finished Return Format The query returns 1 if the current op...
Page 24: ...esponding binary bit is 1 otherwise it is 0 Definitions of the bits of SRE register Bit Weights Name Enable 7 128 OPER Operation Status Reg 6 64 Not used 5 32 ESB Event Status Bit 4 16 MAV Message Ava...
Page 25: ...4 Not used 5 32 ESB Event Status Bit 4 16 MAV Message Available 3 8 Not used 2 4 MSG Message 1 2 USR User 0 1 TRG Trigger Return Format The query returns an integer between 0 and 255 which equals the...
Page 26: ...ure The return value is the decimal integer corresponding to the binary number The self test item represented by each bit is as shown below The bit that is not used is always 0 bit0 system voltage bit...
Page 27: ...lt count Discrete 2n n is an integer from 1 to 13 2 Explanation You can use the ACQuire TYPE command to select the average acquisition mode In this mode the oscilloscope averages the waveforms from mu...
Page 28: ...nge Default mdep Discrete Refer to the Explanation AUTO Explanation When a single channel is on AUTO 14000 140000 1400000 14000000 56000000 option When dual channels are on AUTO 7000 70000 700000 7000...
Page 29: ...amples to reduce the random noise on the input signal and increase the vertical resolution In this mode you can use the ACQuire AVERages command to set the number of averages PEAK the oscilloscope sam...
Page 30: ...CQuire AALias bool ACQuire AALias Description Enable or disable the antialiasing function of the oscilloscope or query the current state of the antialiasing function of the oscilloscope Parameter Name...
Page 31: ...US n MODE Syntax BUS n MODE mode BUS n MODE Description Set or query the decoding mode of the specified bus Parameter Name Type Range Default n Discrete 1 2 mode Discrete PARallel RS232 IIC SPI CAN PA...
Page 32: ...play status of the specified bus Parameter Name Type Range Default n Discrete 1 2 bool Bool 0 OFF 1 ON 0 OFF Return Format The query returns 0 or 1 BUS n FORMat Syntax BUS n FORMat format BUS n FORMat...
Page 33: ...Default n Discrete 1 2 bool Bool 0 OFF 1 ON 0 OFF Explanation This command is only available when the displayof the specified bus is enabled BUS n DISPlay Return Format The query returns 0 or 1 BUS n...
Page 34: ...03 L Wherein 9000000141 is the TMC data block header following which is the data in the event table The figure behind 9 denotes the number of bytes of the effective data RS232 denotes the decoding mo...
Page 35: ...ource of parallel decoding on the specified bus Parameter Name Type Range Default n Discrete 1 2 sour Discrete D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 OFF CHANnel1 Expl...
Page 36: ...s the channel data Parameter Name Type Range Default n Discrete 1 2 pos Discrete POSitive NEGative BOTH POSitive Explanation POSitive rising edge NEGative falling edge BOTH rising falling edge When no...
Page 37: ...0 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel1 b17 Discrete D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel2 Explanation This command sets the bus data width and the...
Page 38: ...channel threshold of parallel decoding on the specified bus Parameter Name Type Range Default n Discrete 1 2 sour Discrete CHANnel1 CHANnel2 thre Real 5 VerticalScale OFFSet to 5 VerticalScale OFFSet...
Page 39: ...abled refer to the MEASure STATistic DISPlay command Note 2 The screen display is normal and the statistic function is enabled refer to the MEASure STATistic DISPlay command Note 3 The screen is divid...
Page 40: ...Set BUS n RS232 TX Syntax BUS n RS232 TX source BUS n RS232 TX Description Set or query the TX channel source of RS232 decoding on the specified bus Parameter Name Type Range Default n Discrete 1 2 so...
Page 41: ...t to OFF Return Format The query returns D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHAN1 CHAN2 or OFF BUS n RS232 POLarity Syntax BUS n RS232 POLarity pol BUS n RS232 POLarity Description...
Page 42: ...query returns MSB or LSB BUS n RS232 BAUD Syntax BUS n RS232 BAUD baud BUS n RS232 BAUD Description Set or query the baud rate of data transmission of RS232 decoding on the specified bus The default...
Page 43: ...The default unit is bps Parameter Name Type Range Default n Discrete 1 2 baud Integer 50 to 20000000 9600 Return Format The query returns the baud rate currently set in integer BUS n RS232 DBITs Synta...
Page 44: ...Parameter Name Type Range Default n Discrete 1 2 stop bits Discrete 1 1 5 2 1 Return Format The query returns 1 1 5 or 2 BUS n RS232 PARity Syntax BUS n RS232 PARity parity BUS n RS232 PARity Descrip...
Page 45: ...OFF Explanation When the packet end is enabled several data blocks are combined according to the packet end Return Format The query returns 0 or 1 BUS n RS232 PEND Syntax BUS n RS232 PEND package end...
Page 46: ...and is only available when the TX channel source is CH1 or CH2 Return Format The query returns the threshold in scientific notation BUS n RS232 RTHReshold Syntax BUS n RS232 RTHReshold rthre BUS n RS2...
Page 47: ...refer to the MEASure STATistic DISPlay command Note 2 The screen display is normal and the statistic function is enabled refer to the MEASure STATistic DISPlay command Note 3 The screen is divided int...
Page 48: ...SCLK SOURce Syntax BUS n IIC SCLK SOURce sour BUS n IIC SCLK SOURce Description Set or query the clock channel source of IIC decoding on the specified bus Parameter Name Type Range Default n Discrete...
Page 49: ...For the OFFSet refer to the CHANnel n OFFSet command Explanation This command is only available when the clock channel source is CH1 or CH2 Return Format The query returns the threshold in scientific...
Page 50: ...oding on the specified bus Parameter Name Type Range Default n Discrete 1 2 thre Real 5 VerticalScale OFFSet to 5 VerticalScale OFFSet 0 Note For the VerticalScale refer to the CHANnel n SCALe command...
Page 51: ...r to the MEASure STATistic DISPlay command Note 2 The screen display is normal and the statistic function is enabled refer to the MEASure STATistic DISPlay command Note 3 The screen is divided into tw...
Page 52: ...BUS n SPI OFFSet BUS n SPI TIMEout TIME BUS n SPI SCLK SOURce Syntax BUS n SPI SCLK SOURce sour BUS n SPI SCLK SOURce Description Set or query the clock channel source of SPI decoding on the specified...
Page 53: ...n SPI SCLK THReshold Syntax BUS n SPI SCLK THReshold thre BUS n SPI SCLK THReshold Description Set or query the clock channel threshold of SPI decoding on the specified bus Parameter Name Type Range D...
Page 54: ...1 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel2 Return Format The query returns D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHAN1 or CHAN2 BUS n SPI SDA POLarity Syntax BUS n SPI SDA POLarity p...
Page 55: ...0 Note For the VerticalScale refer to the CHANnel n SCALe command For the OFFSet refer to the CHANnel n OFFSet command Explanation This command is only available when the data channel source is CH1 or...
Page 56: ...to 148 Statistic 2 163 to 143 Half screen 3 103 to 52 0 Note 1 The screen display is normal and the statistic function is not enabled refer to the MEASure STATistic DISPlay command Note 2 The screen...
Page 57: ...SPI TIMEout TIME val BUS n SPI TIMEout TIME Description Set or query the timeout time in SPI decoding on the specified bus The default unit is s Parameter Name Type Range Default n Discrete 1 2 val Re...
Page 58: ...y CALCulate DIVision CALCulate FFT CALCulate LOGic CALCulate ADVanced CALCulate MODE Syntax CALCulate MODE mod CALCulate MODE Description Set or query the math operation type Parameter Name Type Range...
Page 59: ...nnel source of signal source A or B of the addition operation Parameter Name Type Range Default source Discrete CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel1 Return Format The query returns CHAN1 or CHAN2 CALCulate ADD...
Page 60: ...or the channel vertical scale refer to the CHANnel n SCALe command Return Format The query returns the vertical scale in scientific notation CALCulate ADD VOFFset Syntax CALCulate ADD VOFFset offs CAL...
Page 61: ...source of signal source A or B of the subtraction operation Parameter Name Type Range Default source Discrete CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel1 Return Format The query returns CHAN1 or CHAN2 CALCulate SUB I...
Page 62: ...or the channel vertical scale refer to the CHANnel n SCALe command Return Format The query returns the vertical scale in scientific notation CALCulate SUB VOFFset Syntax CALCulate SUB VOFFset offs CAL...
Page 63: ...query the channel source of signal source A or B of the multiplication operation Parameter Name Type Range Default source Discrete CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel1 Return Format The query returns CHAN1 or...
Page 64: ...For the channel vertical scale refer to the CHANnel n SCALe command Return Format The query returns the vertical scale in scientific notation CALCulate MULTiply VOFFset Syntax CALCulate MULTiply VOFFs...
Page 65: ...on Set or query the channel source of signal source A or B of the division operation Parameter Name Type Range Default source Discrete CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel1 Return Format The query returns CHAN1...
Page 66: ...For the channel vertical scale refer to the CHANnel n SCALe command Return Format The query returns the vertical scale in scientific notation CALCulate DIVision VOFFset Syntax CALCulate DIVision VOFFs...
Page 67: ...VSCale CALCulate FFT VOFFset CALCulate FFT HSCale CALCulate FFT HOFFset CALCulate FFT HSPan CALCulate FFT HCENter CALCulate FFT SOURce Syntax CALCulate FFT SOURce source CALCulate FFT SOURce Descripti...
Page 68: ...d and its characteristics Return Format The query returns RECT HANN HAMM or BLAC CALCulate FFT SPLit Syntax CALCulate FFT SPLit bool CALCulate FFT SPLit Description Enable or disable the split display...
Page 69: ...et or query the vertical scale of the FFT operation result Parameter Name Type Range Default vscale Real Related to the current FFT display mode dB 1 to 100 Vrms 0 01 to 200 related to the current cha...
Page 70: ...FFT HSCale Syntax CALCulate FFT HSCale hscale CALCulate FFT HSCale Description Set or query the horizontal coefficient in FFT operation This command indirectly sets the FFT horizontal scale Parameter...
Page 71: ...returns the horizontal offset in scientific notation CALCulate FFT HSPan Syntax CALCulate FFT HSPan span CALCulate FFT HSPan Description Set or query the horizontal scale of the FFT operation result P...
Page 72: ...operation result The unit is Hz Parameter Name Type Range Default center Real Horizontal offset of the operation result 7 the current horizontal scale 35MHz Note For the horizontal offset refer to th...
Page 73: ...CALCulate LOGic SA CALCulate LOGic SB source CALCulate LOGic SB Description Set or query the channel source of signal source A or B of the logic operation Parameter Name Type Range Default source Dis...
Page 74: ...tus of the inverted display of the logic operation result Parameter Name Type Range Default bool Bool 0 OFF 1 ON 0 OFF Return Format The query returns 0 or 1 CALCulate LOGic VSCale Syntax CALCulate LO...
Page 75: ...fs Real 40 VScale to 40 VScale 0 Note For the VScale the vertical scale of MATH refer to the CALCulate LOGic VSCale command Return Format The query returns the vertical offset in scientifc notation CA...
Page 76: ...ource A or B of logic operation Parameter Name Type Range Default thre Real 4 VerticalScale OFFSet to 4 VerticalScale OFFSet 0 Note For the VerticalScale refer to the CHANnel n SCALe command For the O...
Page 77: ...ed EXPRession Syntax CALCulate ADVanced EXPRession expression CALCulate ADVanced EXPRession Description Set or query the expression of advanced operation Parameter Name Type Range Default expression A...
Page 78: ...0 or 1 CALCulate ADVanced VARiable1 CALCulate ADVanced VARiable2 Syntax CALCulate ADVanced VARiable1 numeric_value CALCulate ADVanced VARiable1 CALCulate ADVanced VARiable2 numeric_value CALCulate ADV...
Page 79: ...2V Note For the channel vertical scale refer to the CHANnel n SCALe command Return Format The query returns the vertical scale in scientific notation CALCulate ADVanced VOFFset Syntax CALCulate ADVanc...
Page 80: ...s the date in year month day format Wherein day and month are double digit figures and year is a four digit figure For example 2013 10 27 CALibrate STARt Syntax CALibrate STARt Description The oscillo...
Page 81: ...ME Description Query the time of the last calibration Return Format The query returns the time in hours minutes seconds format Wherein hours minutes and seconds are all double digit figures For exampl...
Page 82: ...HANnel n PROBe CHANnel n UNITs CHANnel n VERNier CHANnel n TCAL CHANnel n BWLimit Syntax CHANnel n BWLimit type CHANnel n BWLimit Description Set or query bandwidth limit of the specified analog chann...
Page 83: ...he signal under test are blocked DC the DC and AC components of the signal under test can both pass the channel GND the DC and AC components of the signal under test are both blocked Return Format The...
Page 84: ...specified analog channel Parameter Name Type Range Default n Discrete 1 2 bool Bool 0 OFF 1 ON 0 OFF Return Format The query returns 0 or 1 CHANnel n IMPedance Syntax CHANnel n IMPedance impedance CH...
Page 85: ...5mV div to 1V div 12V to 12V When the input impedance is 1M and the probe ratio is 1X 500 V div to 50mV div 2V to 2V 51mV div to 200mV div 10V to 10V 205mV div to 2V div 50V to 50V 2 05V div to 10V di...
Page 86: ...Real When the input impedance is 50 and the probe ratio is 1X 500 V div to 1V div When the input impedance is 1M and the probe ratio is 1X 500 V div to 10V div 1V Note The range of the vertical scale...
Page 87: ...tio multiply the sampled signal by the specified multiple and then display the result the actual amplitude of the signal will not be affected Setting the probe ratio affects the range of the vertical...
Page 88: ...F Explanation By default the fine adjustment function is disabled At this point you can only set the vertical scale in 1 2 5 step namely 500uV 1mV 2mV 5mV 10mV 10V When the fine adjustment function is...
Page 89: ...efault n Discrete 1 2 time Real 200ns to 200ns 0 00s Explanation When using an oscilloscope for actual measurement the transmission delay of the probe cable may bring relatively greater error zero off...
Page 90: ...mode Parameter Name Type Range Default mode Discrete OFF MANual TRACk AUTO XY OFF Explanation OFF disable the cursor measurement MANual enable the manual cursor measurement TRACk enable the track curs...
Page 91: ...lue CURSor MANual BYValue CURSor MANual XDELta CURSor MANual IXDelta CURSor MANual YDELta CURSor MANual TYPE Syntax CURSor MANual TYPE type CURSor MANual TYPE Description Set or query the cursor type...
Page 92: ...e query returns CHAN1 CHAN2 MATH LA or NONE CURSor MANual TUNit Syntax CURSor MANual TUNit unit CURSor MANual TUNit Description Set or query the horizontal unit in manual cursor measurement Parameter...
Page 93: ...or query vertical unit in manual cursor measurement Parameter Name Type Range Default unit Discrete SUNit PERCent SUNit Explanation SUNit in the measurement results the units of A Y B Y and Y will be...
Page 94: ...ge Default ax Integer 0 to 699 150 bx Integer 0 to 699 550 Explanation The horizontal and vertical positions of the cursor are defined by the pixel coordinate of the screen The pixel coordinate of the...
Page 95: ...eger 0 to 399 300 Explanation The horizontal and vertical positions of the cursor are defined by the pixel coordinate of the screen The pixel coordinate of the screen ranges from 0 0 to 700 400 Wherei...
Page 96: ...s the X or Y value at cursor A in scientific notation When the measurement source is LA CURSor MANual SOURce the CURSor MANual AYValue Command returns a decimal integer the sum of the binary weights o...
Page 97: ...r to the CURSor MANual TUNit command Return Format The query returns the current difference X in scientific notation CURSor MANual IXDelta Syntax CURSor MANual IXDelta Description Query the reciprocal...
Page 98: ...lanation For the vertical position of cursor A refer to the CURSor MANual CAY command For the vertical position of cursor B refer to the CURSor MANual CBY command The unit is determined by the vertica...
Page 99: ...TRACk YDELta CURSor TRACk IXDelta CURSor TRACk SOURce1 CURSor TRACk SOURce2 Syntax CURSor TRACk SOURce1 source CURSor TRACk SOURce1 CURSor TRACk SOURce2 source CURSor TRACk SOURce2 Description Set or...
Page 100: ...positions of the cursor are defined by the pixel coordinate of the screen The pixel coordinate of the screen ranges from 0 0 to 700 400 Wherein 0 0 is located at the left top corner of the screen and...
Page 101: ...ignal source refer to the CURSor TRACk SOURce1 command of cursor A Return Format The query returns the value in scientific notation CURSor TRACk BXValue CURSor TRACk BYValue Syntax CURSor TRACk BXValu...
Page 102: ...CBX command Return Format The query returns the current difference X in scientific notation CURSor TRACk YDELta Syntax CURSor TRACk YDELta Description Query the difference Y between the Y values at cu...
Page 103: ...of the difference between the X values at cursor A and cursor B in track cursor measurement and the unit is Hz Explanation For the horizontal position of cursor A refer to the CURSor TRACk CAX comman...
Page 104: ...ISPlay MPERsistence DISPlay DATA DISPlay CLEar Syntax DISPlay CLEar Description Clear all the waveforms on the screen The function of this command is the same as that of CLEAR at the front panel Expla...
Page 105: ...ype Discrete VECTors DOTS VECTors Explanation VECTors the sample points are connected by lines and displayed Normally this mode can provide the most vivid waveform to view the steep edge of the wavefo...
Page 106: ...ue between 0 05s and 20s enable to observe glitch that changes relatively slowly or glitch with low occurrence probability INFinite in this mode the oscilloscope displays the newly acquired waveform w...
Page 107: ...background grid and coordinate on HALF turn the background grid off and coordinate on NONE turn the background grid and coordinate off Return Format The query returns FULL HALF or NONE DISPlay GBRigh...
Page 108: ...ponds to the command and directly returns the bitmap data stream of the image currently displayed to the buffer area of the PC Return Format Th format of the bitmap data stream Component TMC Blockhead...
Page 109: ...tream otherwise the program might be abnormal when reading the data stream 2 The returned data stream contains TMC data header and you need to remove the data header to make the data stream a standard...
Page 110: ...e FUNCtion WRMode Syntax FUNCtion WRMode mode FUNCtion WRMode Description Set or query the mode of waveform record Parameter Name Type Range Default mode Discrete OFF RECord PLAY KEEP ANALyze OFF Expl...
Page 111: ...FEND Syntax FUNCtion WRECord FEND frame FUNCtion WRECord FEND Description Set or query the end frame of waveform record Parameter Name Type Range Default frame Integer 1 to the maximum number of frame...
Page 112: ...the ACQuire MDEPth command Memory Depth Maximum End Frame Auto 65000 14k points 8128 140k points 508 1 4M points 63 14M points 7 56M points option 2 Return Format The query returns the maximum number...
Page 113: ...PERate Syntax FUNCtion WRECord OPERate oper FUNCtion WRECord OPERate Description Start or stop the waveform recording or query the current status of the waveform recording Parameter Name Type Range De...
Page 114: ...TTAG FUNCtion WREPlay CTAG FUNCtion WREPlay MODE Syntax FUNCtion WREPlay MODE mode FUNCtion WREPlay MODE Description Set or query the mode of waveform playback Parameter Name Type Range Default mode D...
Page 115: ...is s Parameter Name Type Range Default interval Real 100ns to 10s 100ns Return Format The query returns the time interval set in scientific notation FUNCtion WREPlay FSTart Syntax FUNCtion WREPlay FS...
Page 116: ...t frame Integer 1 to the maximum number of frames recorded The maximum number of frames recorded Return Format The query returns an integer FUNCtion WREPlay FEND Syntax FUNCtion WREPlay FEND frame FUN...
Page 117: ...in waveform playback Return Format The query returns the maximum end frame in integer FUNCtion WREPlay OPERate Syntax FUNCtion WREPlay OPERate oper FUNCtion WREPlay OPERate Description Execute wavefo...
Page 118: ...ry the current status of the time tag in waveform playback Parameter Name Type Range Default bool Bool 0 OFF 1 ON 0 OFF Return Format The query returns 0 or 1 FUNCtion WREPlay CTAG Syntax FUNCtion WRE...
Page 119: ...late FUNCtion WANalyze CMASk FUNCtion WANalyze STARt FUNCtion WANalyze CANCel FUNCtion WANalyze PREVious FUNCtion WANalyze NEXT FUNCtion WANalyze EFCount FUNCtion WANalyze ECURrent FUNCtion WANalyze E...
Page 120: ...t sour Discrete CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel1 Note Only channel currently enabled can be selected as the channel source Return Format The query returns CHAN1 or CHAN2 FUNCtion WANalyze FCURrent Syntax FU...
Page 121: ...tion WANalyze SETup SSTart FUNCtion WANalyze SETup SSENd Syntax FUNCtion WANalyze SETup SSTart start FUNCtion WANalyze SETup SSTart FUNCtion WANalyze SETup SSENd end FUNCtion WANalyze SETup SSENd Desc...
Page 122: ...to the maximum number of frames recorded The maximum number of frames recorded Return Format The query returns an integer FUNCtion WANalyze SETup THReshold Syntax FUNCtion WANalyze SETup THReshold NR1...
Page 123: ...e unit is div Parameter Name Type Range Default x Real 0 02 to 4 the step is 0 02 0 24 y Real 0 04 to 5 12 the step is 0 04 0 48 Return Format The query returns the current horizontal or vertical adju...
Page 124: ...Ction WANalyze STARt Syntax FUNCtion WANalyze STARt Description Start the waveform analysis Explanation During the analysis process the progress bar is displayed and the parameters cannot be modified...
Page 125: ...NCtion WANalyze NEXT Syntax FUNCtion WANalyze NEXT Description Locate the error frame next to the current error frame FUNCtion WANalyze EFCount Syntax FUNCtion WANalyze EFCount Description Query the t...
Page 126: ...te the difference value and normalizes each value using the maximum one then compares the normalized value of each frame with the threshold selected to judge whether the frame is an error frame CurFra...
Page 127: ...IGital n POSition LA DIGital n LABel LA POD n DISPlay LA POD n THReshold LA GROup n APPend LA BUS n CURRent LA BUS n DISPlay LA BUS n CHANnel LA BUS n FORMat LA STATe Syntax LA STATe bool LA STATe Des...
Page 128: ...selected are displayed in red group is used to select any of user defined channel groups GROup1 GROup4 All the channel labels and waveforms of the channel group selected are displayed in red You can u...
Page 129: ...Explanation group denotes the user defined channel groups You can use the LA GROup n APPend command to add digital channels into the 4 user defined digital channel groups pod denotes the default chann...
Page 130: ...y applicable to grouped channels or channel groups that contains channels You can use the LA GROup n APPend command to add digital channels into the 4 user defined digital channel groups A digital cha...
Page 131: ...s currently turned on as the active channel or channel group using the LA ACTive command Return Format The query returns 0 or 1 LA DIGital n POSition Syntax LA DIGital n POSition position LA DIGital n...
Page 132: ...uppercase letters A to Z and numbers 0 to 9 It cannot exceed 4 characters Return Format The query returns the label of the specified digital channel in ASCII string If the current channel has no label...
Page 133: ...it is V Parameter Name Type Range Default n Discrete 1 2 threshold Real 20 0V to 20 0V 0 7V Return Format The query returns the current threshold in scientific notation LA GROup n APPend Syntax LA GRO...
Page 134: ...fied digital bus is the current bus Parameter Name Type Range Default n Integer 1 2 Return Format The query returns TURE or FALSE LA BUS n DISPlay Syntax LA BUS n DISPlay bool LA BUS n DISPlay Descrip...
Page 135: ...L Explanation L the channels of the digital bus are D7 D0 H the channels of the digital bus are D15 D8 HL the channels of the digital bus are D15 D0 Return Format The query returns L H or HL LA BUS n...
Page 136: ...s of the DHCP configuration mode Parameter Name Type Range Default bool Bool 0 OFF 1 ON 1 ON Explanation When the three IP configuration types are all turned on the priority of the parameter configura...
Page 137: ...ee IP configuration types are all turned on the priority of the parameter configuration from high to low is DHCP Auto IP and Static IP The three IP configuration types cannot be all turned off at the...
Page 138: ...to the LAN AUToip command or Static IP refer to the LAN MANual command Return Format The query returns the current gateway in string LAN DNS Syntax LAN DNS string LAN DNS Description Set or query the...
Page 139: ...OFF 1 ON 0 OFF Explanation When the three IP configuration types are all turned on the priority of the parameter configuration from high to low is DHCP Auto IP and Static IP The three IP configuratio...
Page 140: ...N IPADdress Description Set or query the IP address of the instrument Parameter Name Type Range Default string ASCII string nnn nnn nnn nnn Explanation When setting string the range of the first nnn i...
Page 141: ...nfiguration mode should be Static IP refer to the LAN MANual command and the DHCP and Auto IP are disabled Return Format The query returns the current subnet mask in string LAN STATus Syntax LAN STATu...
Page 142: ...RIGOL 2 Command System 2 126 MSO2000A DS2000A Programming Guide LAN APPLy Syntax LAN APPLy Description Apply the network configuration...
Page 143: ...pass fail test function or query the current status of the pass fail test function Parameter Name Type Range Default bool Bool 0 OFF 1 ON 0 OFF Explanation In the following states the pass fail test...
Page 144: ...he channel enabled can be selected as the measurement source of the pass fail test Return Format The query returns CHAN1 or CHAN2 MASK OPERate Syntax MASK OPERate oper MASK OPERate Description Run or...
Page 145: ...Enable or disable the Stop On Fail function or query the current status of the Stop On Fail function Parameter Name Type Range Default bool Bool 0 OFF 1 ON 0 OFF Explanation ON when failed waveform is...
Page 146: ...d FSOund when a failed waveform is detected the oscilloscope displays the statistic results and outputs a pulse while at the same time the beeper sounds not related to the on off state of the sound Re...
Page 147: ...n is enabled MASK ENABle and is in running state MASK OPERate For the setting of the horizontal adjustment parameter refer to the MASK X command For the setting of the vertical adjustment parameter re...
Page 148: ...the number of passed frames the number of failed frames and the total number of frames Explanation After sending this command the number of passed frames the number of failed frames and the total numb...
Page 149: ...that the buffer is large enough to receive the data stream otherwise the program might be abnormal when reading the data Return Format The data returned consists of two parts the TMC data description...
Page 151: ...ype Range Default sour Discrete D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 MATH CHANnel1 Explanation Only channels currently turned on can be selected This command sets th...
Page 152: ...D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D 15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 EXT OFF OFF Return Format The query returns D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHAN1 CHAN2 EXT or OFF MEASure COUN...
Page 153: ...The last item enabled is ITEM5 You can also use the MEASure RECover command to recover one or more measurement items that you have cleared MEASure RECover Syntax MEASure RECover item Description Recov...
Page 154: ...MATH at the same time 11 voltage measurement items maximum minimum peak peak top bottom amplitude average RMS period RMS overshoot and preshoot 8 time measurement items period frequency rise time fall...
Page 155: ...type is extrum the statistic results include the current value average minimum and maximum When the statistic type is difference the statistic results include the current value average count and stand...
Page 156: ...Description Clear the history statistic data and make statistic again MEASure SETup TYPE Syntax MEASure SETup TYPE type MEASure SETup TYPE Description Set or query the type of measurement setting Para...
Page 157: ...Range Default max Integer 7 to 95 90 mid Integer 6 to 94 50 min Integer 5 to 93 10 Explanation The upper limit middle value and lower limit of the threshold level are expressed in percentage of the am...
Page 158: ...B in phase 1 2 phase 1 2 phase 1 2 and phase 1 2 measurements Parameter Name Type Range Default sourceA Discrete D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel1 sourc...
Page 159: ...B in delay 1 2 delay 1 2 delay 1 2 and delay 1 2 measurements Parameter Name Type Range Default sourceA Discrete D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel1 sourc...
Page 160: ...EGion CBX command Return Format The query returns SCR or CREG MEASure CREGion CAX MEASure CREGion CBX Syntax MEASure CREGion CAX cax MEASure CREGion CAX MEASure CREGion CBX cbx MEASure CREGion CBX Des...
Page 161: ...De Description Set or query the display mode of the history measurement data Parameter Name Type Range Default mod Discrete TABLe GRAPh GRAPh Explanation Before using this command enable the measureme...
Page 162: ...1 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 chanB Discrete When chanA is D0 D15 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 When chanA is CHANnel1 or CHANnel2 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 Return Format The que...
Page 163: ...Lay SMAXimum chanA chanB MEASure FDELay SMINimum chanA chanB MEASure FDELay SCURrent chanA chanB MEASure FDELay SAVerage chanA chanB MEASure FDELay SDEViation chanA chanB Description 2 Enable the dela...
Page 164: ...D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 chanB Discrete When chanA is D0 D15 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 When chanA is CHANnel1 or CHANnel2 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 Return Format The query re...
Page 165: ...2RDeLay SMAXimum chanA chanB MEASure F2RDeLay SMINimum chanA chanB MEASure F2RDeLay SCURrent chanA chanB MEASure F2RDeLay SAVerage chanA chanB MEASure F2RDeLay SDEViation chanA chanB Description 2 Ena...
Page 166: ...D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 chanB Discrete When chanA is D0 D15 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 When chanA is CHANnel1 or CHANnel2 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 Return Format...
Page 167: ...ase SMAXimum chanA chanB MEASure FPHase SMINimum chanA chanB MEASure FPHase SCURrent chanA chanB MEASure FPHase SAVerage chanA chanB MEASure FPHase SDEViation chanA chanB Description 2 Enable the phas...
Page 168: ...D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 chanB Discrete When chanA is D0 D15 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 When chanA is CHANnel1 or CHANnel2 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 Return Format The...
Page 169: ...e F2RPhase SMAXimum chanA chanB MEASure F2RPhase SMINimum chanA chanB MEASure F2RPhase SCURrent chanA chanB MEASure F2RPhase SAVerage chanA chanB MEASure F2RPhase SDEViation chanA chanB Description 2...
Page 170: ...D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 MATH Return Format The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation Example MEASure FREQuency CHANnel1 MEASure FREQuency C...
Page 171: ...the specified channel and enable the statistic function Syntax 2 MEASure FREQuency SMAXimum chan MEASure FREQuency SMINimum chan MEASure FREQuency SCURrent chan MEASure FREQuency SAVerage chan MEASur...
Page 172: ...nge Default chan Discrete CHANnel1 CHANnel2 MATH Return Format The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation Example MEASure FTIMe CHANnel1 MEASure FTIMe CHANnel1 You can use the fol...
Page 173: ...ement function of the specified channel and enable the statistic function Syntax 2 MEASure FTIMe SMAXimum chan MEASure FTIMe SMINimum chan MEASure FTIMe SCURrent chan MEASure FTIMe SAVerage chan MEASu...
Page 174: ...D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 MATH Return Format The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation Example MEASure NDUTy CHANnel1 MEASure NDUTy CHA...
Page 175: ...fied channel and enable the statistic function Syntax 2 MEASure NDUTy SMAXimum chan MEASure NDUTy SMINimum chan MEASure NDUTy SCURrent chan MEASure NDUTy SAVerage chan MEASure NDUTy SDEViation chan De...
Page 176: ...e D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 MATH Return Format The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation Example MEASure NWIDth CHANnel1 MEASure NWI...
Page 177: ...cified channel and enable the statistic function Syntax 2 MEASure NWIDth SMAXimum chan MEASure NWIDth SMINimum chan MEASure NWIDth SCURrent chan MEASure NWIDth SAVerage chan MEASure NWIDth SDEViation...
Page 178: ...n Discrete CHANnel1 CHANnel2 MATH Return Format The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation Example MEASure OVERshoot CHANnel1 MEASure OVERshoot CHANnel1 You can use the following...
Page 179: ...oot measurement function of the specified channel and enable the statistic function Syntax 2 MEASure OVERshoot SMAXimum chan MEASure OVERshoot SMINimum chan MEASure OVERshoot SCURrent chan MEASure OVE...
Page 180: ...D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 MATH Return Format The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation Example MEASure PDUTy CHANnel1 MEASure PDUTy CHA...
Page 181: ...fied channel and enable the statistic function Syntax 2 MEASure PDUTy SMAXimum chan MEASure PDUTy SMINimum chan MEASure PDUTy SCURrent chan MEASure PDUTy SAVerage chan MEASure PDUTy SDEViation chan De...
Page 182: ...D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 MATH Return Format The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation Example MEASure PERiod CHANnel1 MEASure PERiod CHANnel1 Y...
Page 183: ...cified channel and enable the statistic function Syntax 2 MEASure PERiod SMAXimum chan MEASure PERiod SMINimum chan MEASure PERiod SCURrent chan MEASure PERiod SAVerage chan MEASure PERiod SDEViation...
Page 184: ...an Discrete CHANnel1 CHANnel2 MATH Return Format The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation Example MEASure PREShoot CHANnel1 MEASure PREShoot CHANnel1 You can use the following c...
Page 185: ...measurement function of the specified channel and enable the statistic function Syntax 2 MEASure PREShoot SMAXimum chan MEASure PREShoot SMINimum chan MEASure PREShoot SCURrent chan MEASure PREShoot...
Page 186: ...D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 MATH Return Format The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation Example MEASure PWIDth CHANnel1 MEASure PWIDth CHA...
Page 187: ...cified channel and enable the statistic function Syntax 2 MEASure PWIDth SMAXimum chan MEASure PWIDth SMINimum chan MEASure PWIDth SCURrent chan MEASure PWIDth SAVerage chan MEASure PWIDth SDEViation...
Page 188: ...nge Default chan Discrete CHANnel1 CHANnel2 MATH Return Format The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation Example MEASure RTIMe CHANnel1 MEASure RTIMe CHANnel1 You can use the fol...
Page 189: ...ement function of the specified channel and enable the statistic function Syntax 2 MEASure RTIMe SMAXimum chan MEASure RTIMe SMINimum chan MEASure RTIMe SCURrent chan MEASure RTIMe SAVerage chan MEASu...
Page 190: ...D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 chanB Discrete When chanA is D0 D15 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 When chanA is CHANnel1 or CHANnel2 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 Return Format The quer...
Page 191: ...Lay SMAXimum chanA chanB MEASure RDELay SMINimum chanA chanB MEASure RDELay SCURrent chanA chanB MEASure RDELay SAVerage chanA chanB MEASure RDELay SDEViation chanA chanB Description 2 Enable the dela...
Page 192: ...13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 chanB Discrete When chanA is D0 D15 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 When chanA is CHANnel1 or CHANnel2 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 Return Format The query retu...
Page 193: ...R2FDeLay SMAXimum chanA chanB MEASure R2FDeLay SMINimum chanA chanB MEASure R2FDeLay SCURrent chanA chanB MEASure R2FDeLay SAVerage chanA chanB MEASure R2FDeLay SDEViation chanA chanB Description 2 E...
Page 194: ...D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 chanB Discrete When chanA is D0 D15 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 When chanA is CHANnel1 or CHANnel2 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 Return Format T...
Page 195: ...ase SMAXimum chanA chanB MEASure RPHase SMINimum chanA chanB MEASure RPHase SCURrent chanA chanB MEASure RPHase SAVerage chanA chanB MEASure RPHase SDEViation chanA chanB Description 2 Enable the phas...
Page 196: ...D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 chanB Discrete When chanA is D0 D15 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 When chanA is CHANnel1 or CHANnel2 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 Return Format The...
Page 197: ...e R2FPhase SMAXimum chanA chanB MEASure R2FPhase SMINimum chanA chanB MEASure R2FPhase SCURrent chanA chanB MEASure R2FPhase SAVerage chanA chanB MEASure R2FPhase SDEViation chanA chanB Description 2...
Page 198: ...e unit is determined by the unit selected for the source channel refer to the CHANnel n UNITs command Return Format The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation Example MEASure VAMP...
Page 199: ...tic function Syntax 2 MEASure VAMP SMAXimum chan MEASure VAMP SMINimum chan MEASure VAMP SCURrent chan MEASure VAMP SAVerage chan MEASure VAMP SDEViation chan Description 2 Enable the amplitude measur...
Page 200: ...n The unit is determined by the unit selected for the source channel refer to the CHANnel n UNITs command Return Format The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation Example MEASure...
Page 201: ...tic function Syntax 2 MEASure VAVG SMAXimum chan MEASure VAVG SMINimum chan MEASure VAVG SCURrent chan MEASure VAVG SAVerage chan MEASure VAVG SDEViation chan Description 2 Enable the amplitude averag...
Page 202: ...ion The unit is determined by the unit selected for the source channel refer to the CHANnel n UNITs command Return Format The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation Example MEASur...
Page 203: ...tatistic function Syntax 2 MEASure VAVG SMAXimum chan MEASure VAVG SMINimum chan MEASure VAVG SCURrent chan MEASure VAVG SAVerage chan MEASure VAVG SDEViation chan Description 2 Enable the amplitude b...
Page 204: ...anation The unit is determined by the unit selected for the source channel refer to the CHANnel n UNITs command Return Format The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation Example ME...
Page 205: ...tic function Syntax 2 MEASure VMAX SMAXimum chan MEASure VMAX SMINimum chan MEASure VMAX SCURrent chan MEASure VMAX SAVerage chan MEASure VMAX SDEViation chan Description 2 Enable the amplitude maximu...
Page 206: ...anation The unit is determined by the unit selected for the source channel refer to the CHANnel n UNITs command Return Format The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation Example ME...
Page 207: ...tic function Syntax 2 MEASure VMIN SMAXimum chan MEASure VMIN SMINimum chan MEASure VMIN SCURrent chan MEASure VMIN SAVerage chan MEASure VMIN SDEViation chan Description 2 Enable the amplitude minimu...
Page 208: ...ation The unit is determined by the unit selected for the source channel refer to the CHANnel n UNITs command Return Format The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation Example MEAS...
Page 209: ...c function Syntax 2 MEASure VPP SMAXimum chan MEASure VPP SMINimum chan MEASure VPP SCURrent chan MEASure VPP SAVerage chan MEASure VPP SDEViation chan Description 2 Enable the peak peak value measure...
Page 210: ...TH Explanation The unit is determined by the unit selected for the source channel refer to the CHANnel n UNITs command Return Format The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation Exa...
Page 211: ...unction Syntax 2 MEASure VRMS SMAXimum chan MEASure VRMS SMINimum chan MEASure VRMS SCURrent chan MEASure VRMS SAVerage chan MEASure VRMS SDEViation chan Description 2 Enable the amplitude RMS value m...
Page 212: ...Explanation The unit is determined by the unit selected for the source channel refer to the CHANnel n UNITs command Return Format The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation Exampl...
Page 213: ...tistic function Syntax 2 MEASure PVRMs SMAXimum chan MEASure PVRMs SMINimum chan MEASure PVRMs SCURrent chan MEASure PVRMs SAVerage chan MEASure PVRMs SDEViation chan Description 2 Enable the RMS valu...
Page 214: ...ation The unit is determined by the unit selected for the source channel refer to the CHANnel n UNITs command Return Format The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation Example MEAS...
Page 215: ...tic function Syntax 2 MEASure VTOP SMAXimum chan MEASure VTOP SMINimum chan MEASure VTOP SCURrent chan MEASure VTOP SAVerage chan MEASure VTOP SDEViation chan Description 2 Enable the amplitude top va...
Page 216: ...e Default chan Discrete CHANnel1 CHANnel2 MATH Return Format The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation Example MEASure MARea CHANnel1 MEASure MARea CHANnel1 You can use the follo...
Page 217: ...ement function of the specified channel and enable the statistic function Syntax 2 MEASure MARea SMAXimum chan MEASure MARea SMINimum chan MEASure MARea SCURrent chan MEASure MARea SAVerage chan MEASu...
Page 218: ...ge Default chan Discrete CHANnel1 CHANnel2 MATH Return Format The query returns the measurement result in scientific notation Example MEASure MPARea CHANnel1 MEASure MPARea CHANnel1 You can use the fo...
Page 219: ...urement function of the specified channel and enable the statistic function Syntax 2 MEASure MPARea SMAXimum chan MEASure MPARea SMINimum chan MEASure MPARea SCURrent chan MEASure MPARea SAVerage chan...
Page 220: ...e the output of the specified signal source channel or query the output status of the the specified signal source channel Parameter Name Type Range Default bool Bool 0 OFF 1 ON 0 OFF n Discrete 1 2 1...
Page 221: ...Type Range Default file_spec ASCII string Refer to the Explanation Explanation Beforing recalling the setup file use the SAVE SETup STARt command to store the corresponding file into the external memo...
Page 222: ...he storage directory can only be D Example RECall TRACe D 123 trc Recall the waveform trace file 123 trc stored in the D disk RECall WAVeform Syntax RECall WAVeform file_spec Description Recall the wa...
Page 223: ...e SAVe REFerence SOURce REFerence VSCale REFerence VOFFset REFerence n CURRent Syntax REFerence n CURRent Description Select the current reference channel Parameter Name Type Range Default n Discrete...
Page 224: ...e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 bool Bool 0 OFF 1 ON Ref1 1 ON Others 0 OFF Return Format The query returns 0 or 1 REFerence COLor Syntax REFerence COLor color REFerence COLor Description Set or query the co...
Page 225: ...nu or query whether the REF control menu is turned on Parameter Name Type Range Default bool Bool 0 OFF 1 ON 0 OFF Return Format The query returns 0 or 1 REFerence RESet Syntax REFerence RESet Descrip...
Page 226: ...m will be cleared at power off REFerence SOURce Syntax REFerence SOURce source REFerence SOURce Description Set or query the reference source of the current reference channel Parameter Name Type Range...
Page 227: ...umber of grids occupied by the original waveform N and the number of grids occupied by the reference waveform 1 N fulfill the following equation 5 1 2 X N N By default the REF function is disabled At...
Page 228: ...f the current signal source Parameter Name Type Range Default voffset Integer 150 to 150 Note When voffset is 0 the vertical position of the reference waveform is the same with that of the original wa...
Page 230: ...racters Wherein the storage directory can only be D If the specified directory already contains a file with the same filename the original file will be overwritten The csv file stored includes the cur...
Page 231: ...g the SAVE CSV STARt command to store the CSV file This file includes the model serial number hardware and software version numbers as well as the current parameter configurations of the oscilloscope...
Page 232: ...on the screen into the external memory in picture form Parameter Name Type Range Default file_spec ASCII string Refer to the Explanation Explanation file_spec includes the file storage directory and t...
Page 233: ...ACTors Description Enable or disable the parameter storage function of picture storage or query whether the parameter storage function of picture storage is enabled Parameter Name Type Range Default b...
Page 234: ...Refer to the Explanation Explanation In internal storage if the specified location already contains a file the original file will be overwritten In external storage file_spec includes the external sto...
Page 235: ...he original file will be overwritten Example SAVE TRACe D 123 trc Store the waveform trace into the external memory with the filename 123 trc SAVE WAVeform STARt Syntax SAVE WAVeform STARt file_spec D...
Page 236: ...form file send the REFerence SAVe command to store the reference waveform of the current reference channel otherwise this command is invalid In internal storage if the specified location already conta...
Page 237: ...d is only available when the pass fail test function is enabled refer to MASK ENABle In internal storage if the specified location already contains a file the original file will be overwritten In exte...
Page 238: ...Refer to the Explanation Explanation In internal storage if the specified location already contains a file the original file will be overwritten In external storage file_spec includes the external sto...
Page 239: ...d SOURce n PHASe ADJust SOURce n PHASe INITiate SOURce n FUNCtion SHAPe SOURce n FUNCtion RAMP SYMMetry SOURce n VOLTage LEVel IMMediate AMPLitude SOURce n VOLTage LEVel IMMediate OFFSet SOURce n PULS...
Page 240: ...y Real Sine 100mHz to 25MHz Square 100mHz to 15MHz Pulse 100mHz to 1MHz Ramp 100mHz to 100kHz Built in waveform 100mHz to 1MHz Arbitrary waveform 100mHz to 10MHz 1kHz n Discrete 1 2 1 Explanation This...
Page 241: ...of which the frequencies are the same or are multiples this operation can align their phases Assume that Source1 outpts a 1kHz 5Vpp and 0 sine and Source2 outputs a 1kHz 5Vpp and 180 sine Acquire the...
Page 242: ...ed automatically Parameter Name Type Range Default wave Real SINusoid SQUare RAMP PULSe NOISe DC INTErnal SINC EXPRise EXPFall ECG GAUSs LORentz HAVersine EXTernal SINusoid n Discrete 1 2 1 Explanatio...
Page 243: ...n FUNCtion RAMP SYMMetry MINimum MAXimum Description Set or query the symmetry of the ramp Parameter Name Type Range Default val Real 0 to 100 10 n Discrete 1 2 1 Explanation Symmetry is defined as th...
Page 244: ...e AMPLitude MINimum MAXimum Description Set or query the amplitude of the waveform currently selected The default unit is Vpp Parameter Name Type Range Default amplitude Real HighZ 20mVpp to 5Vpp 50 1...
Page 245: ...e Type Range Default offset 1 Real HighZ 2 5 current amplitude 2 to 2 5 current amplitude 2 50 1 25 current amplitude 2 to 1 25 current amplitude 2 0VDC n Discrete 1 2 1 Explanation You can use the SO...
Page 246: ...DCYCle MINimum MAXimum Description Set or query the duty cycle of the pulse Parameter Name Type Range Default percent Real 10 to 90 20 n Discrete 1 2 1 Explanation The duty cycle is defined as the pe...
Page 247: ...nation The signal source of MSO2000A DS2000A supports AM Amplitude Modulation and FM Frequency Modulation You can send the SOURce n MOD TYPe command to set the modulation type Sine square ramp built i...
Page 248: ...m Sine square ramp built in waveform and arbitrary waveform except DC can be used as carrier waveform Sine square triangle waveform or noise can be used as modulating waveform You can use the SOURce n...
Page 249: ...Parameter Name Type Range Default frequency Real 1Hz to 50kHz 1kHz n Discrete 1 2 1 Return Format The query returns the current modulating waveform frequency in scientific notation SOURce n MOD AM IN...
Page 250: ...cannot be greater than the sum of the upper limit of the carrier frequency and 1kHz 1kHz n Discrete 1 2 1 Return Format The query returns the current frequency deviation in scientific notation SOURce...
Page 251: ...tion Syntax SOURce n MOD FM INTernal FUNCtion wave SOURce n MOD FM INTernal FUNCtion Description Set or query the modulating waveform of FM Parameter Name Type Range Default wave Discrete SINusoid SQU...
Page 252: ...SOURce n APPLy USER freq amp offset phase Description Configure the specified signal source channel to output a signal with the specified waveform and parameters Parameter Name Type Range Default freq...
Page 253: ...re the specified signal source channel to the specified waveform and do not modify the corresponding parameters freq amp offset and phase are placed in order You cannot omit the one parameter and dire...
Page 254: ...pecified signal source channel Parameter Name Type Range Default n Discrete 1 2 1 Return Format The query returns the current output configuration in Waveform Name Frequency Amplitude Offset Start Pha...
Page 256: ...pulse via the Trigger Out connector when a failed waveform is detected You can connect the signal to other control systems to view the test result Return Format The query returns TOUT or PFA SYSTem AU...
Page 257: ...Range Default bool Bool 0 OFF 1 ON 0 OFF Return Format The query returns 0 or 1 SYSTem DATE Syntax SYSTem DATE year month day SYSTem DATE Description Set or query the system date Parameter Name Type...
Page 258: ...ple 410 Query INTERRUPTED SYSTem EXPand Syntax SYSTem EXPand exp SYSTem EXPand Description Set or query the reference around which the waveform is expanded or compressed Parameter Name Type Range Defa...
Page 259: ...izontally Return Format The query returns the number of grids on the screen horizontally in integer For this oscilloscope the return value is always 14 SYSTem GPIB Syntax SYSTem GPIB adr SYSTem GPIB D...
Page 260: ...off the analog channels and MATH channel MOFF HMENu hide or recover the display of the menu at the right of the screen F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 press the 7 menu softkeys at the right of the screen QPRevio...
Page 261: ...t or stop recording waveforms PPAuse start pause or resume the playback of the recorded waveform only valid when waveforms are recorded FFP10 FFP20 FFP30 FFP40 FFP50 FFP60 FFP70 rotate the outer layer...
Page 262: ...the knob at the front panel of the oscilloscope The definitions are as follows VPOSition VPOSition1 CH1 vertical position adjustment knob VPOSition2 CH2 vertical scale adjustment knob VSCaLe VSCaLe1 C...
Page 263: ...ish GERMan PORTuguese POLish ENGLish Return Format The query returns SCH TCH KOR JAP ENGL GERM PORT or POL SYSTem OPTion INSTall Syntax SYSTem OPTion INSTall license Description Install the option Exp...
Page 264: ...emory depth option Return Format The query returns 0 1 2 or 3 0 the option is not installed 1 the trial period of the option expires 2 original option is installed 3 valid trial option is installed SY...
Page 265: ...pe after the instrument is energized OPEN the oscilloscope starts directly after it is energized Return Format The query returns DEF or OPEN SYSTem RAMount Syntax SYSTem RAMount Description Query the...
Page 266: ...on Send or read the data of the system setup file Parameter Name Type Range Default setup_data Refer to the Explanation Explanation When sending the command setup_data is a binary data block The data...
Page 267: ...n time and the set time because of the command response time and other consideration SYSTem UDEVice Syntax SYSTem UDEVice udv SYSTem UDEVice Description Set or query the type of the device connected t...
Page 268: ...L 2 Command System 2 252 MSO2000A DS2000A Programming Guide SYSTem VERSion Syntax SYSTem VERSion Description Query the SCPI version number of the oscilloscope Return Format The query always returns 19...
Page 269: ...ase MAIN SCALe TIMebase HREF MODE TIMebase HREF POSition TIMebase MODE TIMebase VERNier TIMebase DELay ENABle Syntax TIMebase DELay ENABle bool TIMebase DELay ENABle Description Enable or disable the...
Page 270: ...For the MainOffset refer to the TIMebase MAIN OFFSet command DelayRange 14 DelayScale For the DelayScale refer to the TIMebase DELay SCALe command Return Format The query returns the horizontal positi...
Page 271: ...al RUN When TimeScale is lower than 10ms MemDepth SamplingRate to 1s TimeScale is greater than or equal to 10ms MemDepth SamplingRate to 100 TimeScale STOP 7000s to 7000s ROLL RUN not available ROLL S...
Page 272: ...e Default scale_value Real The range differs for different mode 1 Normal 1ns 2 to 1ks ROLL 200ms to 1ks 1us div Note 1 Refer to the TIMebase MODE command Note 2 This value is different for different m...
Page 273: ...he screen TPOSition when changing the horizontal time base the oscilloscope expands or compresses the waveform horizontally around the trigger position USER when changing the horizontal time base the...
Page 274: ...Default mode Discrete MAIN XY ROLL MAIN Return Format The query returns MAIN XY or ROLL TIMebase VERNier Syntax TIMebase VERNier bool TIMebase VERNier Description Enable or disable the fine adjustment...
Page 275: ...Range Default value Real 1 to 1 n Discrete 1 2 1 Explanation Each time 2 to 16384 16k points can be downloaded This command will overwrite the previous waveform in the volatile memory You can use the...
Page 276: ...status and can only be set to END which denotes this data packet is the last one and the data transmission finishes binary_block_data denotes the binary data to be downloaded The range is from 0000 to...
Page 277: ...orm point occupies two butes the number of bytes must be an even number The same as the TRACe n DATA VOLATILE command value value value denotes the decimal DAC values to be downloaded If is not used y...
Page 278: ...tax TRACe n DATA POINts VOLATILE point MINimum MAXimum TRACe n DATA POINts VOLATILE MINimum MAXimum Description Set or query the number of arbitrary waveform initial points of the specified built in s...
Page 279: ...points of the arbitrary waveform of the built in signal source Parameter Name Type Range Default mode Discrete LINear OFF OFF n Discrete 1 2 1 Explanation LINear linear interpolation The waveform edit...
Page 280: ...Type Range Default point Integer 1 to 16384 data Integer 0 to 16383 n Integer 1 2 1 Explanation For the query command when point is greater than 16384 or lower than 1 the query returns the value corre...
Page 281: ...E TRIGger NREJect TRIGger STATus TRIGger SWEep TRIGger DELay Option TRIGger DURATion Option TRIGger EDGe TRIGger IIC TRIGger NEDGe Option TRIGger PATTern TRIGger PULSe TRIGger RS232 TRIGger RUNT TRIGg...
Page 282: ...nd reject the low frequency components lower than 75kHz HFReject reject the high frequency components higher than 75kHz Trigger coupling is only valid in edge trigger Return Format The query returns A...
Page 284: ...IGOL 2 Command System 2 268 MSO2000A DS2000A Programming Guide TRIGger STATus Syntax TRIGger STATus Description Query the current trigger status Return Format The query returns TD WAIT RUN AUTO or STO...
Page 285: ...ignals that meet the specified condition If trigger signals that meet the specified condition are found T D is displayed in the running status bar and stable waveform is displayed Otherwise WAIT is di...
Page 286: ...urceA TRIGger DELay SA TRIGger DELay SB SourceB TRIGger DELay SB Description Set or query the trigger source of signal source A or B in delay trigger Parameter Name Type Range Default sourceA Discrete...
Page 287: ...e Type Range Default slope Discrete POSitive NEGative POSitive Return Format The query returns POS or NEG TRIGger DELay TLOWer Syntax TRIGger DELay TLOWer tlower TRIGger DELay TLOWer Description Set o...
Page 288: ...GLESs GOUT GREater Explanation GREater trigger when the time difference T between the specified edges of source A and source B is greater than the preset time limit LESS trigger when the time differen...
Page 289: ...iscrete D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel1 Return Format The query returns D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHAN1 or CHAN2 TRIGger DU...
Page 290: ...DURATion TUPPer Description Set or query the upper limit of the duration time in duration trigger The unit is s Parameter Name Type Range Default tupper Real When the trigger condition is 2ns to 4s Wh...
Page 291: ...n the number of parameters sent is less than 18 the instrument sets the channels in CH1 CH2 and D0 to D15 order No matter whether parameters are omitted the query command returns the patterns currentl...
Page 292: ...specify a time The oscilloscope triggers when the duration of the pattern is greater than the preset time LESS you need to specify a time The oscilloscope triggers when the duration of the pattern is...
Page 293: ...itude unit Parameter Name Type Range Default level Real When the trigger source is CHANnel1 or CHANnel2 5 VerticalScale OFFSet to 5 VerticalScale OFFSet When the trigger source is any of D0 D15 20V to...
Page 294: ...edge of the input signal when the voltage level meets the preset trigger level RFALl trigger on the rising or falling edge of the input signal when the voltage level meets the preset trigger level Re...
Page 295: ...TRIGger IIC ADDRess Description Set or query the address value in I2C trigger when the trigger condition is Address or A D Parameter Name Type Range Default adr Integer 0 to 2n 1 1 Note In the expres...
Page 296: ...Gger IIC AWIDth Description Set or query the number of bits of the address in I2C trigger when the trigger condition is Address or A D Parameter Name Type Range Default bits Discrete 7 8 10 7 Explanat...
Page 297: ...n the clock source or data source is any of D0 D15 20V to 20V 0 Note For the VerticalScale refer to the CHANnel n SCALe command For the OFFSet refer to the CHANnel n OFFSet command Explanation To set...
Page 298: ...IGger IIC WHEN command Return Format The query returns READ RIT or RWR TRIGger IIC SCL TRIGger IIC SDA Syntax TRIGger IIC SCL scl TRIGger IIC SCL TRIGger IIC SDA sda TRIGger IIC SDA Description Set or...
Page 299: ...s before a stop condition STOP trigger when SDA data transitions from low level to high level while SCL is high level NACKnowledge trigger when the SDA data is high level during any acknowledgement of...
Page 300: ...DGE Description Set or query the edge number of Nth edge trigger Parameter Name Type Range Default NR1 Integer 1 to 65535 2 Return Format The query returns an integer between 1 and 65535 TRIGger NEDGe...
Page 301: ...rticalScale OFFSet to 5 VerticalScale OFFSet When the trigger source is any of D0 D15 20V to 20V 0 Note For the VerticalScale refer to the CHANnel n SCALe command For the OFFSet refer to the CHANnel n...
Page 302: ...e TRIGger NEDGe SOURce Description Set or query the trigger source of Nth egde trigger Parameter Name Type Range Default source Discrete D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1...
Page 303: ...gger The unit is the same with the current amplitude unit Parameter Name Type Range Default chan Discrete D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel1 level Real Wh...
Page 304: ...sent When the number of parameters sent is less than 18 the instrument sets the channels in CH1 CH2 and D0 to D15 order No matter whether parameters are omitted the query command returns the patterns...
Page 305: ...ce TRIGger PATTern SOURce Description Set or query the trigger source of pattern trigger Parameter Name Type Range Default source Discrete D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel...
Page 306: ...in pulse trigger The unit is the same as the current amplitude unit Parameter Name Type Range Default level Real When the trigger source is CHANnel1 or CHANnel2 5 VerticalScale OFFSet to 5 VerticalSc...
Page 307: ...rigger condition refer to TRIGger PULSe WHEN command is PGReater NGReater PGLess or NGLess Return Format The query returns the lower limit of the pulse width in scientific notation TRIGger PULSe SOURc...
Page 308: ...lower limit of the pulse width in pulse trigger The unit is s Parameter Name Type Range Default width Real and 2ns to 4s and 12ns to 4s 2us Explanation This command is available when the trigger condi...
Page 309: ...mand The oscilloscope triggers when the negative pulse width of the input signal is greater than the specified pulse width NLESs you need to specify a pulse width refer to the TRIGger PULSe UWIDth com...
Page 310: ...32 WHEN TRIGger RS232 WIDTh TRIGger RS232 BAUD Syntax TRIGger RS232 BAUD baud_rate TRIGger RS232 BAUD Description Set or query the baud rate in RS232 trigger The unit is bps Parameter Name Type Range...
Page 311: ...Return Format The query returns the current baud rate TRIGger RS232 DATA Syntax TRIGger RS232 DATA data TRIGger RS232 DATA Description Set or query the data value in RS232 trigger when the trigger con...
Page 312: ...rticalScale refer to the CHANnel n SCALe command For the OFFSet refer to the CHANnel n OFFSet command Return Format The query returns the trigger level in scientific notation TRIGger RS232 PARity Synt...
Page 313: ...10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel1 Return Format The query returns D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 CHAN1 or CHAN2 TRIGger RS232 STOP Syntax TRIGger RS232 STOP bit...
Page 314: ...n error frame is detected PARity trigger when check error is detected DATA trigger on the last bit of the preset data bits and even odd check bits Return Format The query returns STAR ERR PAR or DATA...
Page 315: ...T ALEVel TRIGger RUNT BLEVel level TRIGger RUNT BLEVel Description Set or query the upper limit or lower limit of the trigger level in runt trigger The unit is the same with the current amplitude unit...
Page 316: ...rete CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel1 Return Format The query returns CHAN1 or CHAN2 TRIGger RUNT POLarity Syntax TRIGger RUNT POLarity polarity TRIGger RUNT POLarity Description Set or query the pulse pola...
Page 317: ...se width refer to the TRIGger RUNT WUPPer command GLESs trigger when the runt pulse width is greater than the lower limit refer to the TRIGger RUNT WLOWer command and lower than the upper limit refer...
Page 318: ...er NR3 TRIGger RUNT WUPPer Description Set or query the upper limit of the pulse width in runt trigger Parameter Name Type Range Default NR3 Discrete When the qualifier is 2ns to 4s When the qualifier...
Page 319: ...CSrc csrc TRIGger SHOLd CSrc TRIGger SHOLd DSrc dsrc TRIGger SHOLd DSrc Description Set or query the clock source or data source of setup hold trigger Parameter Name Type Range Default csrc Discrete D...
Page 320: ...ation This command is available when the hold type refer to the TRIGger SHOLd TYPe command is set to HOLd or SETHOLd Return Format The query returns the hold time in scientific notation TRIGger SHOLd...
Page 321: ...tive NEGative POSitive Return Format The query returns POS or NEG TRIGger SHOLd STIMe Syntax TRIGger SHOLd STIMe NR3 TRIGger SHOLd STIMe Description Set or query the setup time of setup hold trigger P...
Page 322: ...n SETup set the time refer to the TRIGger SHOLd STIMe command that the data stays stable and constant before the clock edge appears HOLd set the time refer to the TRIGger SHOLd HTIMe command that the...
Page 323: ...LEVel TRIGger SLOPe BLEVel level TRIGger SLOPe BLEVel Description Set or query the upper limit or lower limit of the trigger level in slope trigger The unit is the same with the current amplitude unit...
Page 324: ...SLOPe WHEN command is PGReater NGReater PGLess or NGLess Return Format The query returns the lower limit of time in scientific notation TRIGger SLOPe TUPPer Syntax TRIGger SLOPe TUPPer time TRIGger S...
Page 325: ...TRIGger SLOPe SOURce Syntax TRIGger SLOPe SOURce source TRIGger SLOPe SOURce Description Set or query the trigger source of slope trigger Parameter Name Type Range Default source Discrete CHANnel1 CH...
Page 326: ...he oscilloscope triggers when the negative slope time of the input signal is greater than the specified time NLESs you need to specify a time value refer to the TRIGger SLOPe TUPPer command The oscill...
Page 327: ...lope trigger Parameter Name Type Range Default window Discrete TA TB TAB TA Explanation Different vertical windows correspond to different trigger level adjustment modes TA only adjust the upper limit...
Page 328: ...DLEVel Description Set or query the trigger level of SCL or SDA in SPI trigger The unit is the same with the current amplitude unit Parameter Name Type Range Default level Real When the clock source...
Page 329: ...Format The query returns an integer TRIGger SPI SCL TRIGger SPI SDA Syntax TRIGger SPI SCL scl TRIGger SPI SCL TRIGger SPI SDA sda TRIGger SPI SDA Description Set or query the SCL or SDA channel sour...
Page 330: ...Range Default slope Discrete POSitive NEGative POSitive Return Format The query returns POS or NEG TRIGger SPI TIMeout Syntax TRIGger SPI TIMeout time_value TRIGger SPI TIMeout Description Set or que...
Page 331: ...ng Guide 2 315 TRIGger SPI WIDTh Syntax TRIGger SPI WIDTh width TRIGger SPI WIDTh Description Set or query the number of bits of data in SPI trigger Parameter Name Type Range Default width Integer 4 t...
Page 332: ...out SOURce Syntax TRIGger TIMeout SOURce source TRIGger TIMeout SOURce Description Set or query the trigger source of timeout trigger Parameter Name Type Range Default source Discrete D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D...
Page 333: ...the input signal passes through the trigger level start timing when the falling edge of the input signal passes through the trigger level start timing when any edge of the input signal passes through...
Page 334: ...s dm TRIGger USB DMINus TRIGger USB DPLus dp TRIGger USB DPLus Description Set or query the D or D data channel source in USB trigger Parameter Name Type Range Default dm Discrete D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6...
Page 335: ...D data line or D data line is CHANnel1 or CHANnel2 5 VerticalScale OFFSet to 5 VerticalScale OFFSet When the D data line or D data line is any of D0 D15 20V to 20V 0 Note For the VerticalScale refer t...
Page 336: ...tion Discrete SOP EOP RC SUSPend EXITsuspend SOP Explanation SOP trigger at the sync bit at the start of the data packet SOP EOP trigger at the end of the SEO portion of the EOP of the data packet RC...
Page 337: ...o the TRIGger VIDeo STANdard command Explanation ODDField trigger on the rising edge of the first ramp waveform pulse in the odd field EVENfield trigger on the rising edge of the first ramp waveform p...
Page 338: ...igger level in video trigger The unit is the same with the current amplitude unit Parameter Name Type Range Default level Real 5 VerticalScale OFFSet to 5 VerticalScale OFFSet 0 Note For the VerticalS...
Page 339: ...r to TRIGger VIDeo MODE command Parameter Name Type Range Default line Integer NTSC 1 to 525 PAL 1 to 625 480P 1 to 525 576P 1 to 625 720P60HZ 1 to 750 720P50HZ 1 to 750 720P30HZ 1 to 750 720P25HZ 1 t...
Page 340: ...ideo trigger Parameter Name Type Range Default polarity Discrete POSitive NEGative POSitive Return Format The query returns POS or NEG TRIGger VIDeo SOURce Syntax TRIGger VIDeo SOURce source TRIGger V...
Page 341: ...STANdard Description Set or query the video standard in video trigger Parameter Name Type Range Default standard Discrete PALSecam NTSC 480P 576P 720P60HZ 720P 50HZ 720P30HZ 720P25HZ 720P24HZ 1080P6...
Page 342: ...er position of windows trigger Parameter Name Type Range Default type Discrete EXIT ENTER TIMe ENTER Explanation EXIT trigger when the input signal exits the specified trigger level range ENTER trigge...
Page 343: ...command is only available when the trigger position of windows trigger refer to the TRIGger WINDows POSition command is set to TIMe Return Format The query returns the windows time in scientific notat...
Page 344: ...rete POSitive NEGative RFALl POSitive Explanation POSitive trigger on the rising edge of the input signal when the voltage level is greater than the preset high trigger level NEGative trigger on the f...
Page 345: ...e reading mode of the waveform data In different mode the definition of each parameter is different as shown in Figure 2 1 and Figure 2 2 Figure 2 1 Parameter Definitions in NORMAL Mode Figure 2 2 Par...
Page 346: ...annel source of waveform data reading Parameter Name Type Range Default source Discrete CHANnel1 CHANnel2 MATH FFT LA CHANnel1 Explanation The following two methods can be used to set FFT as the chann...
Page 347: ...on NORMal read the waveform data currently displayed on the screen MAXimum in the run state read the waveform data displayed on the screen in the stop state read the waveform data in the internal memo...
Page 348: ...e waveform point in character value format Each waveform point is returned in scientific notation and multiple points are separated by commas Return Format The query returns WORD BYTE or ASC WAVeform...
Page 349: ...S2 WAV SOUR CHAN1 Set the channel source to be read S3 WAV MODE RAW Set the waveform mode to RAW Note When the channel source of waveform reading is MATH the query can only return the screen data and...
Page 350: ...the effective waveform points in the data stream When reading the internal memory data the waveform data returned each time might be the data block in one area of the buffer Each data block has a TMC...
Page 351: ...screen in scientific notation WAVeform XINCrement Syntax WAVeform XINCrement Description Query the time difference between two neighboring points of the specified source refer to the WAVeform SOURce...
Page 352: ...ce is FFT the unit is Hz Return Format The query returns the time value in scientific notation WAVeform XREFerence Syntax WAVeform XREFerence Description Query the reference time of the specified sour...
Page 353: ...nd in Y direction The unit is the same with the unit of the signal source Explanation YORigin VerticalOffset YINCrement Return Format The query returns the offset value in scientific notation WAVeform...
Page 354: ...Parameter Name Type Range Default sta Integer NORMal 1 to 1400 MAX 1 to the number of effective point currently on the screen RAW 11 to the current maximum memory depth 1 Explanation For the memory d...
Page 355: ...number of effective point currently on the screen RAW 1 to the current maximum memory depth 1400 Explanation For the memory depth refer to the ACQuire MDEPth command The range of the start position is...
Page 356: ...AVERages command and 1 in other modes xincrement the time difference scientific notation between two neighboring points in X direction Refer to the WAVeform XINCrement command xorigin the time scient...
Page 357: ...us Syntax WAV STATus Description Query and return the current waveform reading state Return Format The quey returns IDLE n or READ n Wherein IDLE the waveform reading thread finishes READ the waveform...
Page 358: ......
Page 359: ...ument buses It communicates with instruments in the same method regardless of the type of the instrument interface GPIB USB LAN Ethernet or RS232 NI VISA calls the instruments that communicate with it...
Page 360: ...PC and please use a USB cable to connect the USB Device interface at the rear panel of the oscilloscope to the USB interface of the PC After successful connection turn on the instrument A Found New Ha...
Page 361: ...he file is named as IDN xls 2 Run the IDN xls file Click File Options at the upper left corner of the Excel file to open the interface as shown in the figure below Click Customize Ribbon at the right...
Page 362: ...mming Demos 3 4 MSO2000A DS2000A Programming Guide 4 Select Tools T in the Microsoft Visual Basic menu bar and click References Select VISA Library in the pop up dialog box and click OK to refer to th...
Page 363: ...l Basic interface Add the following codes and save the file Note At this point the prompt message The following features cannot be saved in macro free workbooks will be displayed In this situation ple...
Page 364: ...viClose viDefRm End Sub 6 Add button control click Insert in the Developer menu select the desired button in Form Controls and put it into the cell of the Excel At this point the Assign Macro interfac...
Page 365: ...of CH1 on the screen 1 Run LabVIEW 2009 create a VI file and name it as MSO2000A_Demo_LABVIEW 2 Add the VISA resource name and Waveform Graph controls as shown in the figures below 3 Open the Block D...
Page 366: ...which requires users to input the total number of bytes to be read In this example the total number of bytes of waveform data to be read is less than 2048 Close the VISA resource after the VISA opera...
Page 367: ...ve waveform data 7 Convert the character data into array format using the String To Byte Array namely display the waveform data on the Waveform Graph control and then remove the TMC data header using...
Page 368: ...RIGOL 3 Programming Demos 3 10 MSO2000A DS2000A Programming Guide 9 Select the device resource from the VISA Resource Name list box and run the program...
Page 369: ...0 INSTR is the device resource descriptor You need to set the device property In this demo set the length of the input buffer to 2048 MSO2000A visa ni USB0 0x1AB1 0x04B0 DS2A0000000000 INSTR MSO2000A...
Page 370: ...2000A Programming Guide fftRms abs fftSpec fftLg 20 log fftRms subplot 212 plot fftLg 3 Save the M file under the current directory In this demo the M file is named as MSO2000A_Demo_MATLAB m Run the M...
Page 371: ...ng tab of Project Add Module Search for the visa32 bas file in the include folder under the NI VISA installation path and add the file 3 Add two buttons to represent CH1 and CH2 respectively Add two T...
Page 372: ...rm USB list nmatches matches Open the device Call viOpen defrm matches 0 0 vi Send the command to query the status of CH1 Call viVPrintf vi CHAN1 DISP Chr 10 0 Acquire the status of CH1 Call viVScanf...
Page 373: ...rument send command and read the return value 1 Run Microsoft Visual C 6 0 and create a MFC project based on dialog box In this demo the project is named as MSO2000A_Demo_VC 2 Open the C C tab in Proj...
Page 374: ...include Select Library files in Show directories for and double click the blank in Directories to add the path of Lib C Program Files IVI Foundation VISA WinNT lib msc At present VISA library has been...
Page 375: ...combox and m_receive for the Combo Box and Edit controls respectively 8 Add codes Double click Send and Read to enter the programming environment Declare the include visa h of the visa library in the...
Page 376: ...combox GetLBText m_combox GetCurSel strTemp strTemp strTemp n stringTemp char LPCTSTR strTemp viPrintf vi stringTemp Read the result viScanf vi t n buf Display the result UpdateData TRUE m_receive buf...