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Ricoh Aficio GX5050N
Buyers LaBoratory
Lab TesT RepoRT
The Ricoh Aficio GX5050N was connected to BLI’s test network
via its standard 10/100BaseTX connection.
Embedded Web page:
Yes. The Ricoh Aficio GX5050N’s embedded Web page allows
users to view printer and system status, configure the print
server and restart the print server.
ricoh aficio GX5050N’s embedded Web Page
Included software:
The Ricoh Aficio GX5050N includes the PCL 6/5c, RPCS print
driver and SmartDeviceMonitor utility on one CD-RoM.
SmartDeviceMonitor can be configured to start when the
system boots and run minimized on the taskbar tray. The
icon on the taskbar will give the user visual indications when
there is an error or warning condition. This utility can be
proactively accessed by double-clicking on the icon and can
also be configured to give the user pop-up messages for alert
Consumables monitoring:
Yes. The user can check consumables via SmartDeviceMonitor
or the RPCS print driver’s Status Monitor utility.
This report has been reproduced with the written permission of Buyers Laboratory Inc. Any duplication of this report, in whole or part, in any form or manner,
without the written permission of Buyers Laboratory, is unlawful and violators will be prosecuted. © 2007 Buyers Laboratory Inc. To purchase reprints,
contact BLI at (201) 488-0404 (x17) or at [email protected].