User Authentication
Enter the unique attribute and then press
Specify Unique Attribute on the machine to match the user information in
the LDAP server with that in the machine. By doing this, if the Unique At-
tribute of a user registered in the LDAP server matches that of a user reg-
istered in the machine, the two instances are treated as referring to the
same user.You can enter an attribute such as "serialNumber" or "uid". Ad-
ditionally, you can enter "cn" or "employeeNumber", provided it is unique.
If you do not specify the Unique Attribute, an account with the same user
information but with a different login user name will be created in the ma-
Press the
User Tools/Counter
Integration Server Authentication
To use Integration Server Authentication, you need a server on which ScanRout-
er software that supports authentication is installed.
For external authentication, the Integration Server Authentication collectively
authenticates users accessing the server over the network, providing a server-in-
dependent centralized user authentication system that is safe and convenient.
For example, if the delivery server and the machine share the same Integration
Server Authentication, single sign-on is possible using DeskTopBinder.
To use
Integration Svr. Auth.
, the machine must have access to a server on which
Ridoc Document System software and
Authentication Manager
are installed.
For details about the software, contact your local dealer.
Using Web Image Monitor, you can specify whether or not to check the reliabil-
ity of the SSL server being connected to.
During Integration Server Authentication, the data registered in the server,
such as the user’s e-mail address, is automatically registered in the machine.
If user information on the server is changed, information registered in the ma-
chine may be overwritten when authentication is performed.