ID-No. 9230-070-en
Version 1.14 (2019-05)
Page 17
Personnel requirements
Qualification of personnel
In this manual the following qualifications for different areas of
activity are identified:
■ Instructed person
was Informed in a briefing by the operator on the tasks en-
trusted to it and possible hazards of improper conduct.
■ Skilled personnel
is due to its technical training, knowledge and experience as
well as knowledge of pertinent regulations able to carry out
the tasks assigned to him and recognize possible hazards in-
dependently and avoid.
■ An electrician
can perform due to their technical training, knowledge and
experience and knowledge of the relevant standards and reg-
ulations capable of working on electrical systems and to de-
tect possible hazards on their own and to be avoided.The
qualified electrician is responsible for the special of use, in
which it operates, and know the relevant standards and regu-
As personnel only persons authorized, can be expected of them
that they carry out their work reliably. Persons whose reactivity is
influenced, such as by drugs, alcohol or medicine are not allowed.