Load Cell Mount Installation
© Rice Lake Weighing Systems
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4.2 Mount Block and Shim (Groutless) Installation (Option 1)
Use the following procedure for installing mount blocks and shims for leveling:
RLWS has a shim plate (PN 67292) available to level the scale. Do not exceed over 3/4'' of shims combined.
If more is necessary, contact Rice Lake Weighing Systems for other options.
1. Apply anti-seize compound to threads of mount block bolts.
Figure 4-5. Example Shim Dimensions
2. Apply grease to link contact points where the link touches the load cell and both radius blocks.
3. Install one bolt through welded block into upper mount block.
4. Add or remove shims until radius of block comes in contact with rocker link radius.
Figure 4-6. Shim Installation (Option 1)
5. Install second bolt assembly through blocks and shims, then torque to 55 ft-lb.
• Repeat process on all load cell pockets
Position the slotted end of shim towards shorter end of load cell pocket. This allows more room to work when adding
or removing shims.
Upper Mount Block