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3.10 Modbus/TCP
The SCT20-MB works as a source in a Modbus/TCP network. The instrument is configured with DHCP as the default. the IP
Address can be automatically assigned by DHCP, or manually via Telnet. To manually set the IP address via PC, type "telnet
<ipaddress> 9999" and press
to confirm. The following screen displays:
Figure 3-6. Modbus/TCP Set up Screen
1. Enter “1” to manually configure IP Address, Default Gateway Address and Netmask.
2. Enter “S” to save.
Modbus/TCP commands and registers of the SCT20-MB are the same as ModbusRTU protocol.
3.11 Modbus-RTU Protocol
The MODBUS-RTU protocol enables management of the reading and writing of the registers, listed in this section, according to
the specifications contained in the reference document for this standard Modicon PI-MBUS-300.
To select the communication with MODBUS-RTU, see
When specifically indicated, certain data will be written directly to EEPROM type memories. This memory has a limited number
of writing operations (100.000); therefore, unnecessary operations at said locations must be avoided. The instrument ensures
that no writing occurs if the value to be stored is equal to the stored value.
The numerical data listed below are expressed in decimal notation, or hexadecimal notation if preceded by 0x.
Modbus-RTU Data Format
The data received and transmitted via MODBUS-RTU protocol have the following characteristics:
• 1 start bit
• 8 data bits, least significant bit sent first
• Instrument settable parity bit
• Instrument settable stop bit