TM090 12-26 Series II CFGWH Service Instructions
– Issued February 2019
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Combustion Fan Motor: (Procedure 11)
1. Remove the front panel and Lower burner Assy. Refer to Procedures 2
and 3.
2. Disconnect the multi-pin wiring plug from the Fan Motor.
3. Remove the 3 x screws retaining the Fan Motor Assembly and lift the
Fan Motor clear.
4. Reassemble in reverse order of above.
Anti-Frost Heaters: (Procedure 12)
Note: There are 5 Anti-Frost heaters, wired in series. Three ceramic,
attached to the copper piping and two compound types, fitted to the water
inlet and outlet housings respectively.
1. Remove the front panel and follow upper burner Assy steps 1-8. Refer
to Procedure 2 and 4.
2. Unclip the 3 x ceramic anti-frost heaters from the copper pipes (Note
their positions).
3. Remove the 2 x compound anti-frost heaters from the inlet and
outlet housings
4. Remove the Anti-frost Heaters and wiring (Some wiring
retainers will need to be released to remove wiring).
5. Reassemble in reverse of above ensuring anti-frost heaters are
fitted in their correct positions.
Ignition Pack Replacement: (Procedure 13)
1. Remove the front panel, refer to procedure 2,
2. Disconnect high voltage lead from spark electrode.
3. Disconnect the multi pin connector from the Ignition Pack.
4. Remove the retaining screw.
5. Remove the Ignition Pack.
6. Reassemble in reverse order of above being careful not to pinch or damage wiring when
replacing Upper Burner Assembly. Replace gaskets if required.
7. Test for gas leaks using soapy water solution.
Flow Sensor: (Procedure 14)
1. Remove the water inlet valve. Refer to procedure 9 steps 1-6.
the plastic webs may be brittle due to ageing. Gently withdraw the flow sensor
turbine by pulling it out from inside the inlet port, using a pair of long
nose pliers.
3. Reassemble in reverse order of above ensuring open slot on turbine
is centred and facing towards the face of the flow sensor.