RF Logic Limited.
Unit 18, The Enterprise Centre,
Coxbridge Business Park, FARNHAM,
Surrey GU10 5EH
Tel +44 (0)1252 268340
Email: [email protected]
web: www.rflogic.co.uk
Electronic Product Design
Automatic Modulation Meter
Model RF257
Operator Manual
Model RF257 Automatic Modulation Meter
The model RF257 modulation meter has been designed to simplify the task of modulation
measurement. The model RF257 always locks to the highest level signal available, ignoring spurious
signals and harmonics. AM and FM measurements can be made over the full frequency range of 1.5MHz
to 2.0GHz. The unit operates usefully with reduced sensitivity to at least 4GHz.
FM measurement of peak positive, peak negative or mean deviation, with 5 deviation ranges from 1kHz
to 100kHz full scale. AM measurement of peak, trough or mean in percentage modulation with 5 ranges
from 1% to 100% full scale. The audio measurement bandwidth is selectable and the demodulated audio
is available at the front panel. The IF is available on a BNC connector on the rear panel.
The unit is small and lightweight, making it ideal for the bench or field work, especially with the internal
battery option installed.