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Floor, Stamford, CT 06901 T
877 578 2536 E
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Specifications and Installation: RNET-OCC-HV-P-CM
360° Passive Infrared Line Voltage Occupancy Sensor
Incandescent ........................................................................ 800W-120VAC, 60Hz
Ballast .................................................................................. 800VA-120VAC / 1600VA-277VAC, 60Hz
Resistive ............................................................................... 10A, 120VAC, 60Hz
Motor .................................................................................... 1/4 HP, 120VAC, 60Hz
Operating Temperature ......................................................... 32°F to 131°F (0°C to 55°C)
Adjustable Light Level ........................................................... 10FC
Adjustable Time Delay........................................................... 15 sec.-30min
Sensitivity Adjustment ........................................................... 50% or 100% (DIP switch 1)
Coverage .............................................................................. Up to 1200
The RNET-OCC-HV-P-CM 360° passive infrared (PIR) occupancy sensors turn lighting systems on and off based on
occupancy and ambient light levels. The light level feature keeps lights from turning on if the ambient light level is sufficient.
The sensors can be configured to turn lighting on, and hold it on as long as the sensor detects occupancy. After no
movement is detected for a specified time the lights are switched off.
The RNET-OCC-HV-P-CM provides a 360° coverage pattern, up to 1200 square feet. The coverage shown represents
walking motion at a mounting height of 8 feet (See Figure 1). For building spaces with lower levels of activity or with obstacles
and barriers, coverage size may decrease.