Revo sps User Instructions Download Page 1


Serial Port Switch User Instructions



Congratulations on your purchase of a Revo SPS.

These instructions are a guide to using your Revo

serial port switch. Further advice can always be

obtained by contacting the Revo dealer where you

purchased this device or by visiting the Revo  website


Your SPS is engineered to serve you well over many

years if properly cared for.

We suggest that you store your SPS in the box to pro-

tect it from damage.  Also please avoid getting the

SPS unit wet.

Serial Port Switching is a patent pending technology

from Revo that allows you an unprecedented amount

of control over your modern computerised vehicle.

Note:- Batteries are not required for your SPS.


All DBW (drive by wire) models

All current model Porsche* and Volkswagen Audi

Group (VAG**) Petrol vehicles use DBW.  Ask your

dealer or visit the Revo website at: to confirm your vehicle specifi-


All SPS functions are supported by Petrol tur-

bocharged DBW engines. 


Locate the OBD-II port.

Refer to owner’s manual.


Turn ignition on, wait 10 seconds.


Select setting on SPS.


Connect SPS to OBD-II port.


SPS will start beeping after a few seconds.


Remove SPS when beeping is active.


Repeat steps 3-6 as desired.


Start engine.

All Non-DBW (conventional throttle
cable) and Diesel models

SPS switching on Diesel and 

non-DBW are the same. 

Non-DBW engines can be distinguished by the throttle

cable attached to the throttle body.  Ask your dealer or

visit the Revo website at to con-

firm your vehicle specification.

Only SPS 1 function’s are supported on these



Locate the OBD-II port. 

Refer to owner’s manual.


Turn ignition on, wait 10 seconds.


Select setting on SPS.


Connect SPS to OBD-II port.


SPS will start beeping after a few seconds.


Remove SPS when beeping is active.


Turn ignition off, wait 10 seconds.


Start engine.

SPS Variants

Now we will cover the differences between each SPS

unit.  Some of the functions will be described in more

detail as we go along or at the end of this section.

sps 1

Mode 0:

SPS inactive.

Mode 1:

Stock mode.

Mode 2:

Performance mode enabled.

All other positions are disabled.

The Stock mode runs the original factory boost, igni-

tion, and fuelling. This provides stock performance. 

Performance mode activates the Revo performance


For DBW engines, these settings are as default or as

last set by your Revo dealer.

sps 2

When used on Non-DBW and Diesel models, the SPS 2

acts like an SPS 1. For DBW, it performs the following


Mode 0:

SPS inactive.

Mode 1:

Stock mode.

Mode 2:

Performance mode Enabled - Timing 0.

Mode 3:

Performance mode Enabled - Timing 5.

Mode 4:

Performance mode Enabled - Timing 9.

Modes 5-7:

Not used.

Mode 8:

Anti-Theft Enabled.

Mode 9:

Anti-Theft Disabled.

Timing 0 is for 95 Ron or 91 (RON+MON)/2 octane fuel. 

Timing 5 is for 98 Ron or 93 (RON+MON)/2 octane fuel. 

Timing 9 is for unleaded race fuel, any octane over 100.

sps 3

When used on Non-DBW and Diesel  models, the SPS

3 acts like an SPS 1. The Mode selector is active, but

the range selector is inactive. For DBW, the SPS 3

performs the following operations;

Mode 0:

SPS inactive.

Mode 1:

Stock mode.

Mode 2:

Performance mode enabled.

Mode 3:

Boost adjustment

Mode 4:

Fuel adjustment

Mode 5:

Timing adjustment

Modes 6-7:

Not used

Mode 8:

Anti-Theft Enabled.

Mode 9:

Anti-Theft Disabled.

Modes 3-5 have the Vario adjustment.  This uses the

range selector to make a fine adjustment to the set-


Vario Range Guidelines

DBW (drive by wire)

Mode 3 Boost adjustment:

Range 0:

Valet mode.

Range 1:

Stock Boost.

Range 6:

Performance Boost. 

Range 9:

Aggressive Boost.

Mode 4 Fuel Adjustment:

Range 0:

Stock Air-Fuel Ratio (AFR).

Range 9:

Performance AFR.

Range 9 is the default performance setting. The fuel

adjustment is not available on all cars. Please refer to

our additional tuning guide for more information.

Mode 5 Timing Adjustment:

Range 0-3:

95 Ron or 91 (RON+MON)/2 octane fuel.

Range 4-6:

98 Ron or 93 (RON+MON)/2 octane fuel.

Range 7-9:

unleaded race fuel, octane over 100.

Anti-Theft Mode

To enable Anti-Theft modes, an SPS 2 or SPS 3 is

required.  This is only available for DBW vehicles.

Do not attempt to start the engine after enabling the

Anti-Theft function at the end of the SPS switching

procedure. Simply turn the ignition off.

When Anti-Theft is enabled, the vehicle will not run.

The engine may catch if starting is attempted, howev-

er the engine will not run normally.

The engine can be started normally after disabling the 

Anti-Theft function.

Please note that if there was an attempt to start the

engine while the Anti-Theft was enabled, then it may

stumble when first started again.  A simple blip of the

throttle will clear the engine.

SPS 3 Disclaimer

By utilising the advanced user settings on the SPS 3,

the user is responsible for having intimate knowledge

of the vehicle being tuned and the principles of tun-


Certain situations can lead to conditions that are out-

side of the safe operating range tested by Revo engi-


The user acknowledges that Revo cannot be held

responsible for the performance and reliability of tun-

ing that has been altered via the SPS 3 advanced

user settings.

Please note that Revo does not make any claims as to

the long term reliability of the car at any high boost

settings. Premium fuel or better should be used for all

boost settings over 6.

Certain combinations of settings can be risky. For a

more complete explanation of the settings, what they

do, how to measure the results, and how to make sure

that your settings are safe, please refer to our supple-

mentary tuning guide available from your Revo dealer

or the Revo website at:

There are also forums and other resources on the

Revo website where you can seek more information

and discuss these settings. Revo is not responsible

for any advice given by third parties. The user is

responsible for the settings that they utilise.


The Revo SPS device is not designed to be user serv-

iceable. Please take it to your Revo dealer for any

service requirements.

Revo will repair or replace your SPS at our discretion,

during the first 12 months of ownership.

Processing is done through the original point of pur-

chase with full receipts and warranty paperwork.  

* The Porsche name is used for descriptive purposes

only.  No affiliation with Porsche AG is implied.

** The VAG term is used for descriptive purposes only.

No affiliation with Volkswagen Audi Group and/or

Volkswagen Group is implied.

We do hope you enjoy your Revo software. It has

been designed with the user in mind. 

Our SPS switching technology allows you to add func-

tionality to that software - these are products that set

us apart from  our competitors.

go play!

© Revo 2004
