Controlling the device using the touchscreen display
7.7.2 Remote
By selecting the section (T7), the device can be controlled with a smartphone, tablet or PC.
Press the section (T7) to establish a remote connection.
After a remote connection has been established, the device is controlled exclusively by
smartphone, tablet or PC. On the device itself, the process can only be interrupted by pressing
the stop button. The other functions of the touch display are inactive.
Fig. 43:
Inactive touch display after remote connection
For further information on connecting the device to the WLAN module and controlling the device
remotely, please refer to the separate Retschbox manual.
7.7.3 Brightness
In the section (T9), the brightness of the display can be set between 6 % and 100 %.
Press the section (T9). The background of the section is greyed out and the background of the
control dial lights up in blue.
Turn the control dial until the desired brightness of the display is reached.
The set value is applied as soon as the section (T9) or another section is pressed again or as
soon as the system settings are exited.