Notes on the manual
Notes on the manual
This manual provides technical guidelines for the safe operation of the device. Read this
manual through carefully before installing, putting into service and operating the device.
Reading and understanding this manual is essential for handling the device safely and as
This manual does not contain any repair instructions. Please contact your supplier or contact
Retsch GmbH directly if anything is unclear or you have questions about these guidelines or the
device, or in the case of any faults or necessary repairs.
You can find further information about your device at
on the pages for
the specific device concerned.
Amendment status:
The document amendment 0001 of the "Ultra Centrifugal Mill ZM 300" manual has been
prepared in accordance with the Directive of Machinery 2006/42/EC.
1.1 Disclaimer
Die v orliegende Bedi enungs anleit ung w urde mi t größt er Sorgf alt erst ellt. T ec hnis che Änderungen si nd vor behalten. Für Personensc häden, die aus der Nic htbef olgung der Sicherheits- und War nhi nweis e i n dies er Bedienungs anl eit ung r es ultier en, wird kei ne Haft ung über nomm en. F ür Sac hsc häden, die aus der Nichtbef olgung der Hi nweis e i n dies er Bedienungs anl eit ung r esul tieren, wird k ei ne Haf tung übernomm en.
This manual has been prepared with great care. We reserve the right to make technical
changes. We assume no liability for personal injuries resulting from the failure to follow the
safety information and warnings in this manual. No liability will be assumed for damage to
property resulting from the failure to follow the information in this manual.
1.2 Copyright
This document or parts of it or its content may not be reproduced, distributed, edited or copied
in any form without prior written permission of Retsch GmbH. Damage claims shall be asserted
in the case of infringements.