Pos : 3. 6 / 0000 Firmenneutr al/0030 Übersc hrift en/1. 1 Ü berschrif ten/ 11 Erkl ärungen z u den Sic her hei tshi nweis en @ 0 \mod_1222344569771_9. docx @ 2484 @ 2 @ 1
2.1 Explanations of the Safety Instructions
Pos : 3. 7 / 0000 Firmenneutr al/0000 Modul e/ 2000 Einl eitung Erklärungen W arnhinw eis e @ 32\m od_1530535584791_9. doc x @ 254394 @ @ 1
The following
in this manual warn of possible risks and damage:
Pos : 3. 8 / 0000 Firmenneutr al/0035 War nhi nweis e/ 0001 GEF AHR/ G0000 G EFAHR Vorlage @ 17\m od_1473405815457_9.docx @ 128018 @ @ 1
Risk of fatal injuries
Source of danger
Possible consequences if the danger is ignored.
Instructions and information on how to avoid the risk.
Pos : 3. 9 / 0000 Firmenneutr al/0000 Modul e/ 2005 Erklär ung Sicherheits hinw eis G ef ahr @ 17 \mod_1473407755436_9. docx @ 128059 @ @ 1
Fatal or serious injuries
may result if the “Danger” sign is disregarded. There is a
very high
of a life-threatening accident or lasting personal injury. The signal word
additionally used in the running text or in instructions.
Pos : 3. 10 /0000 Firmenneutral/ 0035 W arnhinw eis e/ 0002 WARNUN G/W 0000 WARNUN G Vorl age @ 17 \mod_1473406334925_9. docx @ 128046 @ @ 1
Risk of life-threatening or serious injuries
Source of danger
Possible consequences if the danger is ignored.
Instructions and information on how to avoid the risk.
Pos : 3. 11 /0000 Firmenneutral/ 0000 M odul e/ 2010 Erkl ärung Sic herheits hinw eis W arnung @ 17 \mod_1473407756058_9. docx @ 128068 @ @ 1
Life-threatening or serious injuries
may result if the
“Warning” sign is disregarded. There is
increased risk
of a serious accident or of a possibly fatal personal injury. The signal word
is additionally used in the running text or in instructions.
Pos : 3. 12 /0000 Firmenneutral/ 0035 W arnhinw eis e/ 0003 VORSICHT/ V0000 VORSICHT Vorlag e @ 17\m od_1473406327022_9. doc x @ 128037 @ @ 1
Risk of injuries
Source of danger
Possible consequences if the danger is ignored.
Instructions and information on how to avoid the risk.
Pos : 3. 13 /0000 Firmenneutral/ 0000 M odul e/ 2015 Erkl ärung Sic herheits hinw eis Vorsic ht @ 17\mod_1473407756844_9.docx @ 128077 @ @ 1
Average to slight injuries
may result if the “Caution” sign is disregarded. There is an average
or slight risk of an accident or personal injury. The signal word
is additionally
used in the running text or in instructions.
Pos : 3. 14 /0000 Firmenneutral/ 0000 M odul e/------- Seit enum bruc h ------- @ 9\mod_1427185989165_0. docx @ 76350 @ @ 1