Uber Vibe
"With our '70s Fender Strat, we again flashed back to Hendrixland, with its swirling, liquid tone. This pedal nails it
perfectly....Simply beautiful. We ran the unit in stereo; we're pretty sure Jimi would have loved the expanded, lush
tone....With it's many improvements, the UberVibe just may be the best reproduction of the original Univibe"
Vintage Guitar - February 2006
As one customer stated it, "I don't want to refer to all of the pedestrian Hendrix/Trower comments but it is all there
for those who need it. This pedal, in my opinion, redefines the Univibe so greatly that it should not even be
Yes! Stereo!!! One of my primary goals is to take the best tones and make them better. Take it to a level
beyond the expected – make it work for you. Here’s an example – what sounds better to the ear than a
cool modulation effect in stereo? To me, not much. Place two amps across your sound stage and sit in
the midst – hit a hook or two and listen to the waves bounce through your head….fluid, smooth, tone you can drink.
Of course, you can “play it safe” and use either of the outputs alone as a mono pedal – no worries!
True Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) construction
Using my original Shin-Ei Uni-Vibe as a model, components were measured and tested to determine the optimal
specifications. Light meters and controlled halogen lamps were used to study the LDR responses under a range of lux
input. That data was used to locate and acquire the best matched components from modern manufacture, utilizing the
same critical base materials – in this case, cadmium sulfide.
The LDRs which call the UberVibe home are first matched in quads for similar ranges of lamp-on / lamp-off levels – this
guarantees a smooth response over all four stages.
To make the LDRs work, you need a light source. As in the original, an incandescent lamp does the heavy lifting. Unlike
the original, each pedal is tuned during assembly for proper lamp brightness and on/off balance – every one. With a rated
lamp life of 20-50K hours, your UberVibe should be blinking for decades to come.
Retroman Music
www.retroma n-mu sic.com