KrosFlo® TFDF™ Lab System
User Guide
49 IF.UG.023 R1
Diafiltration 1 Setpoint (DV1):
A Diavolume (DV) is a measure of volume passed through the
filter as permeate during the diafiltration step, it is based on the volume of diafiltration
buffer introduced into the unit operation compared to the retentate volume at the start of
the operation, for instance, if 5 L of feedstock are present at the beginning of diafiltration
and the operation calls for 2 DV, then 10 L will pass through the filter as permeate while
continuously adding buffer to maintain 5 L of retentate
Final Concentration Setpoint values (Concentration/Diafiltration/Concentration mode only):
Final Concentration SP (CF2):
A dimensionless concentration factor used to quantify
feedstock concentration after a diafiltration has been performed it is the feedstock volume
reduction factor relative to the initial starting volume, not from the start of the second
concentration, for instance, if 1 L of feedstock is processed until 0.75 L has passed through
to the filtrate and 0.25 L is left in the retentate, a 4-fold concentration has been performed
so the Concentration Factor is 4X and the input would be 4
Permeate Weight:
This value refers to the total cumulative permeate weight at end of the
final concentration step
Overview screen
The Overview screen displays the KrosFlo® TFDF™ Lab System’s operational flow path and
instrumentation. Process data (flow, pressure, volume) is displayed on-screen in real time. Process
data outputs are displayed in the black boxes. Setpoint input data is displayed in the grey boxes. To
access this screen, select the
button at the bottom of the System Mode Screen.
Concentration Mode operations:
User input of Concentration Factor or Permeate weight for Concentration step
Change direction of Auxiliary pumps (P-02 and P-03)
Tare scales (WE-01 and WE-02)
Tare pressure sensors (PE-01, PE-02, PE-03, PE-04, PE-05, and PE-06)
Tare Flow meter (FL-01 and FL-02)