Applications Engineering
5.0 ZigBee Evaluation Kit (ZEK)
The ZigBee Evaluation Kit (ZEK), which is included with the RZB-CC16C-ZDK kit, provides a ZigBee
stack and a real-time operating system (RTOS) for the stack in binary form. Your own application code
can interface to the ZigBee stack via documented Application Programming Interface (API) function calls.
Two binary files are provided in the directory
contains the ZigBee stack and RTOS for Full Function Devices (FFD), i.e.
ZigBee Routers or Coordinators. The module also contains all necessary MCU initialization routines.
contains the ZigBee stack and RTOS for Reduced Function Devices (RFD),
i.e. ZigBee End Devices. It has a smaller memory footprint than the FFD binary, leaving more memory
available for your own application code. The module also contains all necessary MCU initialization
Sample projects for the Renesas High-performance Embedded Workshop (HEW) allow you to quickly
create your own ZigBee coordinator, router or end device.
5.1. Creating Your Own Program
This section assumes that you have worked through the Quick Start Guide.
Please use the HEW project wizard as outlined in the “
HEW (IDE) QuickStart”
Section of the Quick Start
Guide to create your own ZEK application. Creating a ZigBee project from scratch is quite involved and
the detailed steps to do this are not discussed in this manual.
To create a new ZigBee application using the HEW project wizard you have two options:
1. You can use the ZEK Demo project that you created in the HEW (IDE) QuickStart section.
2. You can select “
Empty Project
” in the ZigBee M16C/28 Kit – Step 2” window instead.
We recommend that you start out by modifying the ZEK Demo project until you become more familiar with
the ZigBee APIs before attempting to create a project using the “Empty Project” generator.
See the ZigBee Stack API Specification document (Start > Programs > Renesas > RZB_CC16C_ZDK >
All Manuals and Documents) for a detailed description of the available ZigBee API functions.
Below are some specifics about the ZEK demo project that will help you get started.
5.1.1. ZigBee Demo Configurations
The demo code can be built to act as any of the following ZigBee device types by using the Build
configuration pull-down in HEW. Please note that you have to download the correct ZigBee stack image
separately as described in the section “
Downloading the ZigBee Binary Using the Flash-over-USB™
of the Quick Start Guide,
you use HEW to load/debug your own code.
Device can function as a ZigBee Coordinator or Router (requires ZigBee stack
to be programmed into the ZDK board).
RZB-CC16C-ZDK User’s Manual Rev 1.1
10/ 39
December 2006
Device will function as a ZigBee End Device and can receive data from its parent
at any time (requires stack file