Renesas Synergy™ Platform
Target Board Kit S1JA (TB-S1JA)
R12UM0025EU0101 Rev.1.01
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Figure 20. Capacitive Touch TSCAP Circuit
Figure 21. Capacitive Touch Button on Target Board (Top)
5.5 Pin Headers
The Target board pin headers, J1, J2, J3, and J4, provide access to all Main MCU interface signals, and to
voltages for all Main MCU power ports.
Fixed Function Pin Assignments
For consistency across all Synergy Target Board Kits, some pin assignments on the headers have
signal assignments. This provides specific signals and functions to be at a common pin header
location on all Target Boards for a particular Synergy MCU Group (for example, S1/S3/S5/S7) and, where
possible, across all Synergy Target Boards.
On TB-S1JA, 40 pins of the pin headers are set aside for
fixed function
assignment. These pins are odd-
numbered pins of J1 and even-numbered pins of J2.
Pin Header Fixed Function Pins are labeled on the Target Board with dark text on a white background. Pins
that are not Fixed Function pins are labeled with white text on a dark background. On the top side of the
board is the functional label for the fixed location. On the bottom side of the board is the port information for
the same pin.
Figure 22. Fixed Function Pin Label Example