Emulation Adapter
R20UT5180EJ0110 Rev. 1.10
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4. Notes
Setting Option Bytes
Although the specifications of the option bytes of the debug chip which is mounted on the emulation
adapter are the same as those of the target device, the actual settings at the time of shipment may
Use a debugger or flash programmer to specify appropriate values for the option bytes of the debug
chip according to the user’s manual for the target device.
In particular, the values of the following option bytes must be specified to suit the device to be
OPBT3 defines the CPUs which are to be enabled. Since the debug chip has six CPUs, disable the
unnecessary CPUs (set the PEx_DISABLE bit to 1) through the setting of OPBT3 according to the
number of CPUs in the device to be emulated.
When pins 1-2 of JP5 are short-circuited (default) so that VDD which has been generated by the power-
supply IC on the emulation adapter is supplied to the debug chip, set OPBT16[31] (SVRENABLE) to 0
to disable the switching voltage regulator (SVR).