RH850/U2A 292pin
6. Other Circuitry
R20UT4970ED0101 Rev.1.01
Page 30 of 67
July 08, 2022
RESET Switch
The SW1 is used to issue a RESET to the device.
The SW1 toggle switch allows to activate the RESET in two different ways:
SW1 in left '2-1(ON)' position: temporary reset
Releasing the switch's lever returns the switch to its middle 'OFF' position and thus releases the reset.
SW1 in right '2-3 ON' position: permanent reset
For reset release the switch has to be moved back manually to its middle 'OFF' position.
The left and right switch position is defined from the side of the part number marking, which
is highlighted with a red arrow in the figure below.
The lighted red LED13 indicates that SW1 is "on", i.e. in position '2-1 (ON)' or '2-3 ON'.
LED13 does not light up when RESET is asserted by any other means than SW1.
Signaling LEDs
Eight LEDs are provided to allow visual observation of the output state of device port pins.
Device pins AP2_8 to AP2_15 are connected to the odd pins of the pin header CN7, while the
LEDs 2 to 9 are connected to the even CN7 pins.
Thus, the LEDs can be either connected to
the device port pins Ap2_8 to AP2_15 by closing the connection on CN7 using a jumper, or
any device pin by connecting directly with the even CN7 pins using a separate cable.
Pull-Up/Pull-Down Pin Header
The Pull-up/Pull-down pin header CN12 provides fixed voltage levels at its pins, that can be
used to pull-up/pull-down a signal on the board or the device, respectively, by connecting a
CN12 pin to the signal via a separate cable.
The CN12 pins have following pull-up or pull-down voltage levels:
all even numbered pins are connected to L level, i.e. to GND