MARCH 30, 2016
©2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
8T49N1012 Evaluation Board
The 8T49N1012 evaluation board user guide is intended to help the user power-up and quick-start the 8T49N1012 evaluation
board. The scope of the user guide is limited to the physical connectivity of the board and does not address the programming
section of it.
This guide will model two set-ups: Set-up 1 will use a clock generator as input and Set-up 2 will use a crystal as input source.
Set-up 1:
CLK/nCLK will be used as input
Q0/nQ0 will be used as output
Set-up 2:
OSCI/OSCO will be used as input
Q0/nQ0 will be used as output
Board Overview
to identify the power supply jacks, input and output SMA connectors, USB connector, crystal, power selection
jumpers, dip switch, device under test, EEPROM, Reset button, CLK/nCLK Inputs and Ref_Out.
Figure 1. 8T49N1012 Evaluation Board Top View