Remington Smooth & Silky WDF-3000 Use & Care Manual Download Page 4



Money-Back Offer

You have just bought one of the finest
shavers available today. If for any reason
within 30 days of purchase of your


Smooth & Silky




Shaver you are not satisfied with

your shaver and would like a refund, just
return your shaver, together with the sales
receipt, to the retailer from whom you pur-
chased it. Remington will reimburse all
retailers who accept shavers within 30
days of purchase. If you have any ques-
tions regarding this money-back guaran-
tee, please call 1-800-736-4648 in the
United States or 905-470-9400 in Canada.

Full Two-Year Warranty

Remington warrants that your product,except as noted below,
is,on date of purchase,free from defect in material and work-
manship.Remington will correct any such defect without charge
if you return the complete product either in person or by mail,
postage paid,to a Remington Company-owned Service Center 
or Authorized Service Dealer within two years after the date of
purchase with the returned item.

Do not return the product to the retailer from whom the product
was purchased.

This warranty does not cover damage by accident,misuse,
abuse or by affixing an unauthorized accessory or alteration to
the product,or by connection of the product to any but the 
specific current and voltage indicated in an accompanying
instruction booklet,or by any other conditions beyond our 

For questions or comments, please write (in the United Stat e s ) :

Remington Products Company, L . L . C .
P. O . Box 1536
H o r s h a m , PA 19044-6536 
A t t e n t i o n : Consumer A f f a i r s

In Canada:
Remington Products (Canada) L.L.C.
455 Cochrane Drive
Unit #24
M a r k h a m , Ontario L3R 9R4
A t t e n t i o n : Customer Serv i c e

Cleaning Your Shaver

Turn shaver “ O F F ” .

Press the two side release buttons to

remove the head assembly.

Remove the foil assembly.

To clean foils, grasp foil by the ends

between two fingers and tap lightly on a hard
surface to remove any loose hairs. O r, y o u
may rinse the foils under cold or warm run-
ning wat e r.

To avoid damage to the foils, D ON O T use the
brush to clean foils, nor attempt to replace or
remove the head assembly while the shav e r
is running.

Use the cleaning brush to help remove any loose hairs from the

cutters and trimmers. You may also rinse the shaver under cold or
warm running wat e r, or in a basin. D O NOT use hot wat e r.

After cl e a n i n g , replace the f o i l s and head assembly. If rinsed with
w at e r, hold shaver facing downward into sink, and turn on for a
few seconds to dispel additional water - a gentle shake will help.
Wipe the surface of the main unit with a dry tow e l .

To clean the external surfaces of the shaver, use a damp cloth.
A mild detergent may be used.DONOTuse strong detergents
or other chemicals.Wipe dry with towel.DONOTuse hairdryer
or heater to dry shaver.

When is it time to replace your foils

and cutters?

It is very important to replace your f o i l s and cutters when nec -
essary to ensure a close,comfortable shave without irritation.
We recommend that the f o i l s be replaced every 6 months and
cutters be replaced every 12 months.Here are some signs of
f o i l and cutter wear, indicating that replacement is needed.


As the foils get excessively worn, there may be

some skin irritat i o n . This would be especially noticed when
applying lotion. When the cutters wear, you may feel a sense of
“ p u l l i n g ” and a loss of closeness when you shav e . This is an
i n d i c ation that it is time to replace your cutters and foils.
Visually check the foils for any signs that the cutters have worn
through the foils. It is always best when replacing the cutters to
replace the foils at the same time. To avoid possible damag e ,i t

is not recommended to remove the cutter and trimmer assembly or cutter,
except for replacement.

N OT E :

WDF-5000 model uses SP-118 replacement MicroScreen


( h y p o -

allergenic) and cutter, and SP-120 replacement MicroScreen


( h y p o - a l l e r-

g e n i c ) . WDF-3000 model uses SP-121 replacement MicroScreen


and cut-

t e r, and SP-122 replacement MicroScreen




We recommend that you use your new shaver daily for two to three
weeks to allow time to find an optimum shaving method for your particu-
lar type of hair growth patterns.

For assistance or help, call our customer service at 1-800-736-4648.

Battery Removal

When your rechargeable shaver reaches the end of its useful life,the bat-
teries must be removed from the shaver, and recycled or disposed of
properly in accordance with your state and local requirements.


Remove shaver from charging stand.

Press side buttons to remove head assembly. Remove 

foil assembly.

Remove the (4) screws exposed.These hold the top

housing in place.

In order to facilitate the removal of the top housing,

both cutters must be in their central position.Squeeze the
ends of the cutters to bring into alignment with each other,
and then pull upward.Cutters and top housing will come
off together.

Remove the (4) screws exposed.Hold the lower section

of the shaver, and then pull the middle section off.

Remove the (2) screws holding the inner frame to the

l ower housing. These are facing the lower housing’s back
w a l l .

Pull inner frame assembly away from the lower housing.

Pry and lift up the batteries from their nest at the ends further away

from the motor.

Grab batteries firmly. Pull and twist batteries to break the connection

to the frame.


Dispose of batteries properly in accordance with your local

and state requirements.Do not put in fire or mutilate your batteries when
disposing,as they may burst or release toxic materials.Do not short cir-
cuit as it may cause burns.
