The functions of your chip card reader
The functions of your chip card reader
Device Manager
The cyberJack Device Manager is only available for the Windows
operating system at the moment.
After the restart please start the cyberJack Device Manager program, function test in the Start menu
under Start > Programs > REINER SCT cyberJack. When the Device Manager starts a registration
dialog is displayed to you. We recommend that you make use of the opportunity to register because
you will then always be informed about new developments which offer you even more benefit from your
Test tab
If you have connected multiple chip card readers you can select the relevant chip card reader under (1).
Take a random chip card (cash card, telephone card, insurance card etc.) and insert it completely into
the slit (half the length of the card disappears into the device) of the cyber
as indicated by the
symbol on the device and the [Start Test] button (2). Various tests are performed, thus checking if the
was installed correctly. If a fault occurs during the test you will find help under the Support
tab. Here you can immediately establish a connection to the Online Test wizard and send an error log
to our Support.