REGO Thermal Printer Technical Manual
T 24 11 10 300 code ABC123
Graphics Command
[Format] {command} {width} {height} {x} {y} {data}
[Description] {command}
Choose from the following
EXPANDED-GRAPHICS (or EG): Prints expanded graphics
COMPRESSED-GRAPHICS (or CG): Prints compressed graphics
{ width }: Byte-width of image
{ height }:Dot-height of image
Horizontal starting position
{y}: Vertical starting position
{data}: Graphics data
Bit-mapped graphics can be printed by using graphics commands. ASCII hex
(hexadecimal) is used for expanded graphics data (see example). Data size can be
reduced to one-half by utilizing the COMPRESSED-GRAPHICS commands with the
equivalent binary characters(s) of the hex data. When using CG, a single 8 bit
character is sent for every 8bits of graphics data. When using EG two characters
(16bits) are used to transmit 8bits of graphics data, making EG only half as efficient.
Since this data is character data, however, it can be easier to handle and transmit
than binary data.
! 0 200 200 210 1
EG 2 16 90 45 F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F00F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F
Appendix A: CODE128 code
A.1 CODE128 code
CODE 128 code passing alternate character sets A,B character set and character set C,capable of
128 and 100 ASCII characters from 00 to 99 digits, and some special characters are encoded.Each