With the cartridge mounted correctly and set up using the alignment
protracor ( supplied ) . Ensure that the bias adjustment is set to zero.
Screw the balance weight along its shaft until the stylus is “ floating ”
just 1mm clear of the record. The arm will naturally try to swing back to
rest even with the bias set to zero so it is recommended to support the
arm carrier with your other hand allowing only vertical movement during
The recommended tracking force can now be applied by rotating the
balance weight so that it moves towards the front of the arm. Set the
tracking weight to the upper limit of the suggested tracking weight
provided by your cartridge manufacturers guidelines. A half turn
( t hrough 180°) generates 1 gram of tracking pressure. ( therefore
360° will apply 2g of downforce ) . The plastic markers on the balance
weight can be used as a guide to accurate rotation.
Once balanced you may now apply the recommended bias force by
simply moving the slider to the required figure. ( see diagram
opposite ) . Bias should be set to the same figure as the tracking
The tonearm external phono leads must be connected to your amplifier.
Connect as follows : Red right channel / Black left channel. If your
amplifier does not have an integrated phono stage you will require an
external stage to amplify the signal ( sold separately ) .
Rega Planar 78
Ensure the cartridge mounting hardware is fitted correctly.
If using the
Rega RB78 mono cartridge the nut should be mounted to the top of the
tonearm headshell. As shown in the diagram below. Do not over tighten.
The RP78 has been designed and engineered to achieve outstanding
performance way beyond the expectations of a product at this price
point. Excellent build quality, reliability and ease of use combine to
make a product which, if used correctly, will offer you a lifetime of
musical enjoyment. Omitting unnecessary gimmicks allows us to
concentrate the manufacturing costs on the high quality parts
necessary to reproduce records accurately. The single speed RB78 is
fitted with a hand assembled RB202 tonearm and a precision main
bearing. The minimalist design of the Rega RP78 and the use of
extremely high quality components ensure that your turntable should
last for many years. The tips on the reverse of these instructions will
help increase the life of your turntable and ensure optimum
Names of parts :
Alignment Protractor
Bias adjustment
Balance Weight
Lightweight Plinth
If your amplifier does NOT have a mono switch connect both arm wires
together and connect as follows :
The Rega RB78 cartridge is wired internally in series and should be
connected in one of the following ways. If your amplifier has a mono
switch take either RED and GREEN
or White and Blue and connect as
follows :
Cartridge connections Rega RB78 ( tracks at 1.75g )
Red & White
Blue & Green
Rear of cartridge
Setting up your RB202 tonearm
Connection to the amplifier
Cartridge mounting hardware