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P a g e A S C E N T O G R O U P A U S T R A L I A 3 7 E x p o r t S t r e e t L y t t o n Q L D 4 1 7 8
P : 1 8 0 0 8 0 7 6 0 4 E : s a l e s @ a s c e n t o . c o m . a u
Please take the time to read the instructions carefully before using this appliance. We
recommend that you keep this instruction manual in a safe place for future reference.
This instruction manual covers DRS, RC150, RHS, RPP, RVS, RHV, RSS*, RDC & RDP Series of
Pumps and any similar models that we supply.
Specifications are approximate and subject to change without notice. Amps and wattage
vary according to the operating load. Refer to the nameplate of the pump for the
performance data. Image shown is an example only. Do not exceed the given
specifications in the use of your pump, or use for purposes for which the pump is not
designed. It is the users responsibility to ensure that the product is suitable for the
intended application.
Refer to the nameplate of the pump then search our website
for the current tech data sheet.
Keep the pump equipment protected from interference by children or pets! The appliance is not intended for use by children or
infirm or incompetent persons.
This pump is designed for water only. It must
be used for Hazardous or flammable liquids. It must NOT be used in locations
classified as hazardous.
This pump is suitable to pump fresh water, stormwater and greywater, with soft particles of a size as designated on the data
sheet for that model. Refer to the nameplate of the pump then search our website
for the current tech data sheet. These
pumps are not intended for pumping potable water, and have not been tested for pumping potable water. They are not intended for fire-
fighting. The water temperature may be from + 5°C to the maximum as stated on the pumps nameplate.
* The RSS Series Solar Sump Pumps please refer to specific information for the Solar connection & operation.
WARNING: The pump cannot be used for salt water and flammable, corrosive, explosive or dangerous
liquids, nor in hazardous areas. Ensure that the pump never runs without water.
POWER OFF!! Before installing or while handling, repairing, cleaning or servicing this pump, be certain the electrical power is disconnected from the
pump at all times.
SUITABLE APPLICATIONS: This product is for the purpose of pumping CLEAN WATER and STORM WATER/RAIN WATER and GREY WATER in normal
domestic household use, and for NO OTHER USE. It is not intended nor designed to be used in highly critical installations or for continuous pumping (for
example a situation where power failure or pump failure could lead to flooding, do NOT use this pump for those purposes). Performance data quoted is
generally from test data and is approximate and does not take into account factors in the installation such as loss of pressure and flow due to pipework
& pipe-
fittings & valves. It is the purchaser’s and/or users responsibility to ensure that the product is fit for their purpose and
of sufficient size &
performance for their application.
IMPORTANT INSTALLATION REQUIREMENT: No electrical appliances last forever. Therefore ALL installations of pumps must be constructed to allow the
owner to easily remove the pump for servicing, and to easily remove the pump for replacement, warranty replacement or upgrading. The installation
must NOT be constructed in such a manner that specialized tools, or paid tradespersons, or external paid contractors, are required to be engaged in
order to remove and/or replace and/or refit the pump. Warranty replacement does not normally include costs of removal and re-installation as we
have no control over the method of installation.
IMPORTANT RE TANK ACCESS: Ensure that the pump can be removed from the tank without having to enter the tank. NEVER install pumps such that
persons need to get inside the tank to remove/work on the pump. Warranty is VOID if persons have to get inside the tank to remove or repair the pump
and/or controller. DO use a rope or chain to lift the pump out, DO NOT use the electrical cable.
CHECK-VALVE: A quality check-valve (non-return valve) must be fitted to the outlet of the pump to avoid backflow, warranty is void if not fitted. It is also
best practice to fit a Ball-Valve or Gate-Valve.
FLOAT SWITCH MUST MOVE FREELY: Do not position the pump where the float switch (where fitted) could get caught as this will cause the pump to run
without stopping, and subsequently fail. For standard float type, adjust the water height that the pump stops pumping, by loosening the clamp on the
float cable, and lengthening or shortening the swing of the float. For vertical float type (as per the pump on the right in the image at top of the page)
WARNING: Too long and the float will lie on the bottom and the pump will not stop until it overheats and burns out. Too short and the float might not
go up and down as it should, with the result the pump not working. WARNING: Ensure that the float can operate freely or the pump will not work or
will not stop, and burn out. This is not covered by warranty. For the manual type (model with no float switch) the pump must be controlled in some
manner by the user to ensure it does not run dry and turns off when the liquid level drops to the level of the impeller.
USE BARREL-UNIONS CONNECTIONS: All pumps must be installed using barrel-union connections to facilitate easy servicing or replacement. Ensure all
fittings and joints are watertight.