Installation Instructions
Posh Domaine Laundry Trough
Please ensure a copy of the installation
instructions is left with the end user for future reference
If wall mounted tapware is to be used, consideration should be made to length of outlet and positioning of the trough
on bench top.
1. Use the template provided to trace the cut-out on both the benchtop and underlay/timber lining.
2. Cut out the bench top.
3. Apply silicone sealant around the underside edge of the sink.
4. Position the sink into the benchtop and apply even pressure to the frame until the sink is as close to the benchtop
surface as possible.
5. Install all securing clips.
6. Tighten the sink to the benchtop and ensure no gaps exist between sink and benchtop.
7. Remove excess silicone residue.
1. Use the template provided to trace the cut-out on both the benchtop and underlay/timber lining.
2. Cut out benchtop and the underlay/timber lining
3. If using the sandwich technique
, silicone both the underneath rim of the undermount bowl and around the
underlay/timber lining cut out.
4. If using fixing clips,
follow the installation instructions for wooden/laminate benchtops or affix wooden blocks to the
underside of the benchtop to screw fixing clips into.
5. Place the sink into position.
6. Silicone around the lip of the sink to seal between the benchtop and the sink surfaces.
Stone & Solid Benchtops
Published 23/01/2020