Reece Posh Domaine MK2 Installation Instructions Download Page 1

Posh Domaine MK2 Shower Base 

Posh Domaine MK2 Shower Base

Specification Sheet

Posh Solus MK2 Towel Rack Chrome



Cartridge Sleeve x1 

 Anchor x4

Screw x4









Mixer Body x1

Tools Required



Test Plug x1

Cartridge Tile Cover x1

Cartridge Complete x1

Push In Connector x1

Allen Key



Installation Instructions

Posh Domaine MK2 Shower Base

Page 1 of 2

Plumbers, please ensure a copy of the Installation 
Instructions are left with the end user for future reference


Any boxed opening in the slab to accommodate the waste must not 
exceed 300mm in width beneath the shower base. 


Shower Base to be fixed to floor by spreading cement-based tile 
adhesive on the floor using a 12mm notched trowel, or by use of 
silicone sealant.  Alternatively, where the floor is not perfectly level, 
the base can be set into a mortar bed - spread a 10mm thick mortar 
bed of 4:1  Washed Sand: Spread the mortar over the whole area 
where base is to be installed then trowel off level.

Do not use “Liquid Nails” or similar rigid construction-
type adhesive to install base.


Lay the shower base on the prepared bed and use a sprit level to 
adjust the base to ensure it is level along all sides and diagonally. 
This will allow the base to drain properly as it has an inbuilt fall to the 
waste outlet.


Backfill the opening the slab with a 4:1 Washed Sand: Cement mix 
ensuring the mortar is packed tightly around the waste outlet and all 
the way back into the boxed section of the slab and up to the 
underside of the base to give maximum support. 

Note: Where required by regulation plastic pie and fittings may 
need to be lagged prior to backfilling. 

At this point it is imperative to check that water drains to 
the waste outlet prior to lining the shower walls (see 
Smartpan/ Smartwaste). Failure to do so is a breach of 


When the installation uses these product as the waste collectors, 
ensure that the lid/cover is fitted to provide adequate support for the 
base. Cut a hole in the lid/cover the same size as the waste. 


It is recommended installation practice to check the edge of the base
into the wall by the width of the tiling flange in order to achieve a leakfree
junction with the wall cladding material (see diagram ‘A’).

Pre-Installation Note

Timber Floor 

Floor boards or sheet flooring must cover the entire underside of the base.
Cut a hole for waste no greater than 120x120mm.

Note: If renovating, ensure the floor is structurally sound. Replace
the floor if necessary.

Shower base to be fixed to floor by spreading cement-based tile adhesive
on the floor using a 12mm notched trowel or by use of silicone sealant.
Alternatively, where the floor is not perfectly level, the base can be set into
a mortar bed - spread a 10mm thick mortar bed of 4:1 Washed Sand:
Spread the mortar over the whole area where base is to be installed then
trowel off level.

Lay the shower base on the prepared bed and use a spirit level to adjust
the base to ensure it is level along all sides and diagonally. This will allow
the base to drain properly as it has an inbuilt fall to the waste outlet.

Concrete Slab

Any boxed opening in the slab to accommodate the waste, must not
exceed 300mm in width beneath the shower base.

Shower base to be fixed to floor by spreading cement-based tile adhesive
on the floor using a 12mm notched trowel, or by use of silicone sealant.
Alternatively, where the floor is not perfectly level, the base can be set into
a mortar bed - spread a 10mm thick mortar bed of 4:1 Washed Sand:
Spread the mortar over the whole area where base is to be installed then
trowel off level.

Lay the shower base on the prepared bed and use a spirit level to adjust
the base to ensure it is level along all sides and diagonally. This will
allow the base to drain properly as it has an inbuilt fall to the waste

Backfill the opening in the slab with a 4:1 Washed Sand: Cement mix
ensuring the mortar is packed tightly around the waste outlet and all the
way back into the boxed section of the slab and up to the underside of the
base to give maximum support.

Note: Where required by regulation plastic pie and fittings may need 
to be lagged prior to backfilling. 


When the installation uses this product as a waste collector, ensure that
the lid/cover is fitted to provide adequate support for the base (see
diagram ‘E’).
