User manual revision number: 1.1 29/11/2022
Operating Manual
50 Event 24 Hour 7 day Timer - Din Rail
The A S0080 is a 7 day timer housed in a convenient DIN rail housing, which has four closing contact outputs. It permits a
total of 50 station (event) switching times. Each can be set to turn on any single day of the week or on multiple days, from
1 sec up to 24 hours. Switching events programmed for multiple days count as only a single station (event) and each of
the 50 event times may be set to any (but not multiple) output.
Manual override is provided so that any of the four outputs can be set “ON” or “OFF” manually which overrides any of
the event times programmed for that output.
The unit has security lock out of Time Edit, Station Edit and Clear Memory Functions via DIP switch selection.
On the front of the timer there are four LED’s and five switches which provide a visual indication of the status of each of
the four output zones and provide navigation of the programming menu (Refer to Fig 2.1).
The LED’s indicate whether a zone is in “Auto” mode or “Manual’ mode. A green LED indicates a zone is in “Auto” mode,
and will therefore follow the programmed sequence of triggers entered by the user.
A blue LED indicates that a zone is in “Manual” mode and therefore has been manually set to be either “ON” or “OFF” by
the user. Once a zone is in “Manual” mode it will stay in this mode until the user sets it back to “Auto” mode, or the unit
is switched off (NOTE : All zones will return to ‘Auto Mode’ on power up).
The switches are used to navigate the programming menu, while the switch LED’s indicate the output status of the zone.
i.e. if the zone is “On” or “Off”.
On the rear of the unit are the four, output zone “voltage free” closing contacts. Provision has been included for a normal-
ly open and a normally closed contact on each output.
If a zone is set to “ON” the corresponding output zone will become active. The normally open (N/O) contact for that zone
will short, the normally closed contact (N/C) will become open and these contacts will stay this way until the zone is again
set “OFF”.