Redback A 5138 Operating Manual Download Page 1

Redback® A 5135

 Four Input MIcrophone Hub

Operating Manual

A 5135 

Four Input Microphone Hub

A 5138 

Microphone Preamp Wallplate


The Redback


 A 5135 Microphone Hub is specifically designed for small supermarket applications where industry standard 

supermarket 5 pin XLR microphones are used. The Hub has provision for a background music (BGM) source using standard 
dual RCA inputs. The BGM input is muted when any of the microphone inputs beomes active. A pre-announcement chime  
which is DIP switch selectable is available when the PTT function is activated by a microphone connected to any A 5138 
microphone wallplate.
The A 5138 wallplate accepts a 5 pin balanced XLR microphone input (such as the Altronics C 0325 or C 0327) and converts 
the signal to a balanced high level output. The high level output signal is carried via Cat5e cable, (suitable for distribution up 
to 300m without interference) back to the A 5135 Hub. Up to four wall plates can be connected to the one Hub with each 
input configurable to either VOX or PTT muting.

Two modes of microphone priority are selectable via the DIP switches on the rear of the A 5135:


 Input 1 overrides 2-4, Input 2 overrides 3-4, Input 3 overrides 4.  


 First In Best Dressed - Regardless of which input is being used, it automatically blocks out all other inputs.

A Busy LED on the A 5138 indicates when a wall plate has been overridden by another active wallplate.

The A 5135 Hub has a dedicated input for each wall plate, with front mounted volume controls for each input. Active LED’s 
and VOX sensitivity trimpots are available on the front of the A 5135 for each input. The pre-announcement chime and 
background music (BGM) volumes are also located on the front for ease of access. A line level (1V) dual RCA output and a 
balanced XLR output (line level) are included for output to an amplifier.
The Hub is powered by 24V DC from the supplied plugpack and the A 5138 wall plates receive power via the Cat5e cable 
from the A 5135.

User manual revision number: 1.0 09/04/2019

A 5138

A 5135
