The CAL: T/E indicator shows changes to temperature (T) or exposure (E) in relation to the active calibration map. If the
temperature or exposure change significantly, calibrate the sensor at the desired temperature and exposure. Failure to
properly calibrate the sensor may reduce image quality.
Green: Sensor temperature or exposure are properly calibrated for current settings.
Yellow: Slight change in sensor temperature or exposure.
Red: Significant change in sensor temperature or exposure.
The – and + indicate whether the sensor temperature or exposure has decreased or increased, respectively.
NOTE: T and E indicators change colors independently of each other.
The TC indicator shows the current timecode status.
Grey: No analog timecode is detected.
Red: Analog timecode is detected but not enabled.
Green: Analog timecode is used to jam the time of day timecode.
For more information, go to
Timecode, Genlock, Multi-Camera Setup
The GEN indicator shows the current genlock status.
Grey: No genlock signal is detected, or the signal cannot cross-lock to project (24.00 fps vs. 23.98 fps).
Red: During process of sync, or genlock is lost while recording.
Green: A genlock signal matching the current HD-SDI monitor rate is locked.
Yellow: Timing is cross-locked to compatible but not matching monitor rate. For example, genlock is 24.00 fps, and
HD-SDI monitor rate is 25.00 fps.
NOTE: When the GEN indicator is yellow, DO NOT perform 3D operation. This warns that genlock source settings and
camera settings are not aligned, so phasing of the sync between cameras is not guaranteed.
For more information, go to
Timecode, Genlock, Multi-Camera Setup
The SYNC indicator shows the current sensor sync status, based on genlock.
Grey: The sensor sync mode is not set to genlock.
Red: The sensor sync mode is set to genlock, but is not locked to a genlock signal. This may occur if genlock or
sensor sync is lost while recording.
Green: The sensor sync mode and HD-SDI monitor rate are locked to a compatible genlock signal.
For more information, go to
Timecode, Genlock, Multi-Camera Setup
The RM indicator displays if the camera is linked to a third-party remote application, such as foolcontrol.
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