4” Standard Pump Installation, Operation & Service Manual
Warnings and Instructions
Warnings and Instructions
This section introduces the hazards and safety precautions associated with installing, inspecting, maintaining or
servicing this product. Before performing any task on this product, read this safety information and the
applicable sections in this manual, where additional hazards and safety precautions for your task will be found.
Fire, explosion, electrical shock or pressure release could occur and cause death or serious injury, if these safe
service procedures are not followed.
You are working in a potentially dangerous environment of flammable fuels, vapors, and high voltage or
pressures. Only trained or authorized individuals knowledgeable in the related procedures should install,
inspect, maintain or service this equipment.
Read the Manual
Read, understand and follow this manual and any other labels or related materials supplied with this equipment. If you do not
understand a procedure, call 1-800-323-1719 to locate a qualified technician. It is imperative to your safety and the safety of
others to understand the procedures before beginning work.
Make sure your employees and any service contractors
read and follow the instructions.
Follow the Regulations
Applicable information is available in National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 30A;
Code for Motor Field Dispensing
Facilities and Repair Garages
, NFPA 70;
National Electrical Code
(NEC), Occupational Safety and Hazard Association
(OSHA) regulations and federal, state, and local codes. All these regulations must be followed. Failure to install, inspect,
maintain or service this equipment in accordance with these codes, regulations and standards may lead to legal citations with
penalties or affect the safe use and operation of the equipment.
Prevent Explosions and Fires
Fuels and their vapors will explode or burn, if ignited. Spilled or leaking fuels cause vapors. Even filling customer tanks will
cause potentially dangerous vapors in the vicinity of the dispenser or island.
Working Alone
It is highly recommended that someone who is capable of rendering first aid be present during servicing. Familiarize yourself
with Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) methods, if you work with or around high voltages. This information is available from
the American Red Cross. Always advise the station personnel about where you will be working, and caution them not to
activate power while you are working on the equipment. Use the OSHA lockout/tag-out procedures. If you are not familiar with
this requirement, refer to OSHA documentation.
Working With Electricity Safely
Ensure that you use safe and established practices in working with electrical devices. Poorly wired devices may cause a fire,
explosion or electrical shock. Ensure that grounding connections are properly made. Ensure that you do not pinch wires when
replacing covers. Follow OSHA lockout/tag-out requirements. Station employees and service contractors need to understand
and comply with this program completely to ensure safety while the equipment is down. Before you start work, know the
location of the Emergency Power Cutoff Switch (the E-STOP). This switch cuts off power to all fueling equipment and
submerged turbine pumps and is to be used in the event of an emergency. The buttons on the console at the cashier’s station
WILL NOT shut off electrical power to the pump/dispenser. This means that even if you press a button on the console labeled
EMERGENCY STOP, ALL STOP, PUMP STOP, or something similar, fuel may continue to flow uncontrolled.
Hazardous Materials
Some materials may present a health hazard if not handled correctly. Ensure that you clean hands after handling equipment. Do
not place any equipment in the mouth.