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TRK-9, TRK-12, TRK-90 and TRK-120
A C , Superheterodyne, High-Picture-Definition, Five-Television-Channel, Receiver
' Three-Band, Electric Tuning, A C , Superheterodyne Broadcast Receiver
Models TRK-12, TRK-120
Models TRK-9, TRK-90
T R K - 9 , T R K -9 0
General Specifications T R K - 1 2 , T R K - 1 2 0
H eight.................... 47% in.;
D epth..............
24% jin.
H e i g h t . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 % in.;
D e p th ...............* . . 1 9 % in.
W idth . . . . . . . . . . 31 Vi in.; . W eight........ ............... 200 lb.
W id th ............. ..
34% in.;
W e i g h t ................. 198 lb.
Shipping W eight.............................................. 2831b.
Shipping W eight............................................... 2751b.
Chassis Numbers and Power Supply Ratings
Model TRK-12:
Chassis KC-4, KK-7, RC-427, RS-83E,
105*125 volts, 60 cycles...................... 420 watts (total)
Chassis KC-4B, KK-7DV RC*427, RS*
83E, 105*125 volts, 50*60 cycles.. . . 420 watts (total)
Model TRK-120:
Chassis KC*4F, KK*7F, RC*427F, RS*
83E, 105*125 volts, 60 cycles........... 420 watts (total)
Chassis KC*4j, KK*7J, RC*427F, RS*
83E, 105*125 volts, 50*60 c y c le s .... 4 2 0 watts (total)
Models TRK*12 and TRK*120 arc console-type, high*
picture-definition, mirror-viewing, five channel. Television
Receivers and thrcc*band broadcast radio receivers enclosed
in handsomely styled modern cabinets. Features of the Tele*
vision receiver include: Twelvc*inch
Kinescope; Styrol
(humidity-resisting) r*f and i*f transformer forms: black and
white pictures; single station selector switch: temperature com*
pensated condensers; iron core i-f and r*f tuning; double
Model TRK-9:
Chassis KC-4A, KK-7 A, RC-427A, RS*
83E, 105*125 volts, 60 cycles........... 420 watts (total)
Chassis KC-4C, KK-7E, RC*427A, RS*
83E, 105*125 volts, 50*60 c y c le s .... 420 watts (total)
Model TRK-90:
Chassis KC-4H, KK-7H, RC-427G, RS*
83E, 105*125 volts, 60 cycles......... .. 420 watts (total)
safety switch protection; safety*glass viewing shield; and extra
large viewing mirror for wide angle viewing.
Models TRK-9 and TRK-90 are direct viewing, high*
picture-definition, console-type, five channel, Television Re*
ccivers and three-band broadcast radio receivers in deluxe up*
right modern cabinets. Television features of these receivers
arc the same as for the TRK-12 and TRK-120, except that a
nine-inch Kinescope is used.
RCA M O R P p S I O M OF RAD IO C O R P O R A T lO h a P ^ AM ERICA, . C A fM ŚIŃ N . H , l ^ A .
Summary of Contents for Victor TRK-12
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Page 10: ......
Page 11: ...Figure 10 Schematic Diagram TRK 90 and TRK 120 W ithout D C Restorer ...
Page 15: ...Figure 14 V ideo Chassis Wiring TRK 90 and TRK 120 Without D C Restorer ...
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