Included in the Home Battery Box is an antenna coupling and tuning
system consisting of an antenna inductance coil and a variable condenser which
is to be connected between the antenna and the ground (water or steam pipe) in
the same manner as employed in the usual antenna type of receiver, and tuned in
the same way. It is not necessary that there be any direct connection between the
antenna circuit and the Radiola 26, as the signal is inductively transferred from
the antenna coupling or tuning system to the loop of the Radiola 26.
To use the antenna coupling or tuning system, proceed as follows: Remove
the loop from its usual place in the frame of the door, releasing it by unscrewing
the knurled knob at the top of the frame. Then hang the loop on the back of the
Radiola 26 cabinet, using the little brass knobs at the top and bottom of the loop
which slide into catches recessed into the back of the cabinet. Now connect the
lead from the antenna to the binding post marked "ANT" on the back of
the Home Battery Box. Also connect the binding post Marked "GND" to a
good ground connection.
The type of antenna to be employed will depend upon the
local surroundings in the home of the user. If an indoor type of antenna is used it
may consist of a short wire from 20 to 30 feet in length and may be insulated
copper wire between No. 18 and No. 24 B & S Gauge, run conveniently
around the picture molding. Care should be taken to keep this wire several
feet or more away from any adjacent telephone, electric light, or power wires. If
an outdoor antenna is employed, it may be from 15 to 35 feet in height and
should not be over 75 feet long including the lead-in. The antenna should be
supported at both ends by good porcelain insulators and should also be carried
on insulators where the lead-in wire comes down along the side or through the
wall of the house.
The antenna should be run (as nearly as practicable) at right angles to all
electric light and power wires, and should be separated from these wires as much
as possible. Further, it should be protected from lightning by means of an
approved lightning arrester. The use of a flat "window strip" type of lead-in is
not recommended. The best method to employ for bringing the lead-in wire into
the house is to use the standard form of porcelain tube or bushing. The ground
wire from the "GND" binding post should be as short as possible and should be
connected to either a waterpipe or a steampipe by means of a copper ground
clamp. The water or steam pipe should be thoroughly scraped, cleaned,
and polished before attaching the ground clamp, which