10CH Essential Instructions R1.docx
Given an eight or more-channel transmitter, even with Always-ON active Stabilization can still be turned down
to a negligible level by setting CH8 (Master Gain) to -100% (for zero gain, CH8 must be at -150%).
To set Stabilization Always-ON, proceed as follows:
Make sure the receiver is programmed to one of the five options listed above (page 5).
With Transmitter ON and receiver bound, power receiver ON and
wait at least 60 seconds
Press and hold Button F until the blue Setup light turns ON. Release button.
The green Status light should now also be ON to indicate stabilization active.
To cancel Always ON, repeat. Hold Button F until the blue Setup light and the green Status light turn OFF.
Note that the green Stabilization Status light is not as bright as the adjacent red Receiver Status light and so can
be harder to see.
Step 5: Using Stabilization
if activated.
The following assumes that you are using a Generation 2 or later Spektrum transmitter and that you have
already programmed the receiver with one of the stabilization options explained above. Using the receiver with
other transmitters is discussed in a separate document
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Additional Information
It is usually most convenient to complete receiver programming (Step 4, above) and items 1 to 3 below before
mounting the receiver in the plane.
1. Set up the transmitter
Set up a new model in the transmitter or reset an existing model. In particular, disable any delta wing (elevon) or
V-tail mixing in the transmitter
if these mixes are required, they must be done in the receiver when
stabilization is active. Make sure control throws (end points/limits) are set to 100%.
Set up a switch on channel 7 (or optionally on channel 5) to control Stabilization ON/OFF.
Set up channel 8 (if available on your transmitter) to be controlled by a knob or slider for Master Gain.
2. Bind the receiver
Bind the receiver to the transmitter, as explained above (Step 2).
3. Test the receiver
Power up the transmitter then the receiver
The red Status LED should be ON. Check that the Stabilization ON/OFF switch works correctly.
Temporarily plug a servo into each of the Ail, Ele, and Rud outputs and check that they operate normally in
response to the correct transmitter sticks. Power OFF.
4. Mount the receiver in the plane
The receiver can be mounted upright or inverted and must be aligned with the direction of flight. Either set of
servo connectors can be at the front. It will not work properly if mounted across the fuselage, on edge, tilted
forward or backward, or at an angle to the centre line. This receiver, unlike some other stabilizers, does not
need to be mounted particularly close to the centre of gravity of the model.
Even with stabilization turned down to zero gain, Delta Wing or V-Tail mixing must NOT be done in the transmitter.
The green Status light on the receiver will be OFF if the channel 7 is at 0% or 100%. If channel 7 is at -100%, It will be ON,
indicating that stabilization is active.