RBCkits Gloster G40
Gloster G40
Picture building instruction
Page 1: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 1 Gloster G40 Picture building instruction ...
Page 2: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 2 start by joining the main fuselage formers F21 and F20 and F36 and F37 and by inserting the M4 nuts into F13 and screw in the nylon m4 sunk screws into F13 also join F25 ...
Page 3: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 3 Try test the joining of F13 F14 place F11 and F12 onto F13 Place formers F21 onto F25 Place F22 F29 F7 F6 All formers are NOT glued yet ...
Page 4: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 4 Place the formers F5 F4 F3 Place F36 place F2 The Motor compartment is different shown as in the kit version Place F27fan holders between F29 and F22 ...
Page 5: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 5 Place F15 F16 F17 F18 note do not remove the inner leftover from F17 and F18 Place side formers F19 F32 ...
Page 6: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 6 When all formers are framed up place the assembly on 2 wood blocks so a straight fuselage will form now slowly glue all joints with CA take care for straightness ...
Page 7: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 7 Place the wing saddles F39 onto the side formers then start with joining F39 to F13 and work your way to the front formers and join last at F7 ...
Page 8: ... paper intake tube from the supplied paper and roll up and place into the intake sections loosen paper and glue the tube to the formers a good glue joint is importand as the suction power of the drive train can flatten the intake tube ...
Page 9: ...ge on some small blocks for a stable work place Start sheeting in the center and to the sides of the fuselage with the 2x12mm balsa sheeting strips Work your way to the sides and close the sheeting It is neccesary to form the strips to the fuselage and to the previuos placed strips ...
Page 10: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 10 Here some more pictures of the sheeting progress Note all pictures can be seen on the cd in a large high resolution format ...
Page 11: ... fuselage Place the Tail assembly onto the fuselage place 2 straight stringers onto F25 and onto the elevator sadlle Check for warps if ok then place 1 temporary sheeting stringer diagonal over the tail assembly so it won t warp when you start sheeting the tail ...
Page 12: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 12 The sheeting of the tail is more complicated as the tail section is concave Start at the tail and work forward you have to fill in the gaps when all strips are applied ...
Page 13: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 13 Sheet the top of the tail section to F16 then the sidesit is not neccesary to shet tight along the elevator saddles the vacufomed fairing wil cover that part ...
Page 14: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 14 Close the sheeting place F1 and sand to shape Lay out the elevator ribs and formers and join loose ...
Page 15: ...ittle notch on the underside of the formers this is a reference line Place the elevator assembly pin down and carefully place the sub leading edge so it is straight against the helpformers take of the elevator assembly and place the 1 5mm sheeting as per plan onto the helpformers ...
Page 16: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 16 Pin down the former assmebly onto the sheeting and glue with ca place 2x12 mm trailing edge as per plan ...
Page 17: ...ce inserts for rudderhorn etc do not place the 6mm dowel elevator joiner Sand down complete elevator and place top sheeting Sand leading edge smooth and place 4mm leading edge sand to shape as per plan place tips and sand smooth ...
Page 18: ... 18 Cut out the elevators and place leading edge and sand to shape as per plan make adjustments to take the 6mm elevator joiner the joiner is glued to the elevators when the hinges are placed Frame up the rudder assembly ...
Page 19: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 19 Make the rudder sheeting as per plan and place assembly onto sheeting and form to shape place opposite sheeting sand smooth and place leading edge ...
Page 20: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 20 Take out wing plywood parts take out the main formers MF1 join the formers with the 3x3 spruce stringers ...
Page 21: ... sheeting as per plan and draw up the ribs and former lines onto the sheeting Place MF1 and glue to the sheeting place ribs and MF2 and all inserts you need as some people do not want to use the retract option it is not neccesarry to put in the parts GH1 GH2 ...
Page 22: ...edge Place servo and servo wire place some scrap to take the rudderhorn Make up the top sheeting as per plan and test fit to the assembly Place the washout helpformer as per plan do not mail or call abouth the helpformer as per plan is the right way glue the helpformer with a few smal drops of ca ...
Page 23: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 23 Pin down the wing at the Main former position and at the helpformer place the top sheeting Join MF1 with WJ1 other wing and place all ribs etc work your way up as per right wing ...
Page 24: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 24 Sand the sub leading edge and place 4mm leading edge and sand as per plan sand trailing edge as per plan Join wing tips and place onto wing ...
Page 25: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 25 Sand wing tips to the wing take of a small part of the middle trailing edge enough to place the wing into the fuselage ...
Page 26: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 26 Place formers F8 F9 F10 F13 and sheet with 2x12 mm balsa strip Cut out fairing bottom as per plan place into fuselage ...
Page 27: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 27 Place wing and adjust fairing bottoms place Fa1 and sheet with 1 5mm balsa Place some small fairings in front of the main fairings ...
Page 28: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 28 Place wing and fill out fairing with scrap balsa and sand to shape ...
Page 29: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 29 Sand smooth Draw up helplinbes for the tail part fairing ...
Page 30: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 30 Place small balsa scrap to form the fairing fill out the difficult parts with scrap and sand to shape ...
Page 31: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 31 Place elevator and rudder onto fuselage with help from 90 degree triangle and glue with slow setting glue Cut out the tailfairing and split in 2 pieces ...
Page 32: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 32 Place tailfairing with ca Assemble cockpit frame from F38 F38A and F38B and formers F34 and F24 do trial fit Cut out cockpit ...
Page 33: ...0 33 Chamfer cockpit frame to take the cockpit clean the vacuformed cockpit with window cleaner as greasy fingers wil show up when glueing with ca glue the cockpit with ca to the frame Cut out the ailerons from the wing ...
Page 34: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 34 Place aileron leading edge from 4mm balsa and sand to shape as per plan Use a modeling knife to make the hinge openings do also so for the elevator ...
Page 35: ...35 Place elevator rudders and connect steering cables place servo covers no picture here is the motor room as modified fasten in the midifan with small screws and place the clear pvc tubing onto fan to F13 fasten with tape ...
Page 36: ...RBCkits Gloster G40 36 Place the tubing to the fan unit with tape Finish the Gloster Fuselage with 50gr glass the wing with 25gr glass and Ps100 Finish with matte paint ...
Page 37: ...you can land it with very low speed Our version had the Hetrc edf 600 installed and 6S3700 lipo packs mounted sideways in the front of the fuselage you might have to make adjustments for your lipo as we left the mounting of the cells open We also had a small receiver pack in the nose section Flying weight was approx 1950 grams depending on your set up and finish ...