| For Gamers. by Gamers.
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| For Gamers. by Gamers.
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| For Gamers. by Gamers.
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| For Gamers. by Gamers.
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For Gamers. by Gamers.
For Gamers. by Gamers.
usinG your razer salmosa
You can switch between 800dpi and 1800dpi by actuating the mechanical dpi switch.
You can switch between 125Hz, 500Hz and 1000Hz by actuating the mechanical polling rate switch.
Note: the mouse will be momentarily inactive while it switches to the new polling rate.
advanced settinGs Guide
Mouse sensitivity is an internal filter of the
driver. The maximum sensitivity setting of
10 is unfiltered. Each incremental stop or
setting is a 10% decrease, i.e. 1 setting will
decrease mouse pointer input to 10% (i.e. a
linear graph).
Acceleration is an internal filter of the
driver, and is primarily a legacy option for
low dpi mice users. With acceleration
enabled, faster mouse movements cover
additional on-screen distance. Windows
XP has acceleration turned on by default as
a convenience for users assuming that
everyone will have 400dpi mice, but this
will likely be a hindrance to most gamers
and precision users who require greater
accuracy. The ‘acceleration off’ option
(default) turns off internal acceleration only
and does not affect Windows XP
acceleration, which can be turned off via
the Control Panel, Mouse, Pointer Options,
unselecting ‘Enhance
Windows Pointer Speed [Windows Only]
implementation of Sensitivity. In Windows
XP, a setting of ‘5’ means there is no filtering
(default). This bar is included as a
DPI switcher - Resolution
Resolution is the number of counts per inch
of movement sent by the mouse hardware to
the OS. E.g. 400dpi means a movement of
one inch will result in 400 counts of
movement. Without any of the above filters
operating, this will result in 400 pixels of
movement on the screen.
Independent X and Y-axis Settings
You can preset independent X-axis
(sensitivity movements side to side) and
Y-axis (sensitivity movements up and down).
When this feature is enabled, a new
on-the-fly interface bar that allows further
safety guidelines
In order to achieve maximum safety while using
your mouse, we suggest that you adopt the
following guidelines:
1. Avoid looking directly into the infrared beam of
For Gamers. by Gamers.
wee inFormation
Correct Disposal of This Product (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment)
(Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection systems) This marking shown on the product or its literature,
indicates that it should not be disposed with other household wastes at the end of its working life. To prevent possible harm to the environment or human
health from uncontrolled waste disposal, please separate this from other types of wastes and recycle it responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of
material resources. Household users should contact either the retailer where they purchased this product, or their local government office, for details of where
and how they can take this item for environmentally safe recycling. Business users should contact their supplier and check the terms and conditions of the
purchase contract. This product should not be mixed with other commercial wastes for disposal.
Comment éliminer ce produit (déchets d’équipements électriques et électroniques) (Applicable dans les pays de l’Union Européen et aux autres pays
européens disposant de systémes de collecte sélective) Ce symbole sur le produit ou sa documentation indique qu’il ne doit pas être éliminé en fin de vie avec
les autres déchets ménagers. L’élimination incontrôlée des déchets pouvant porter préjudice à l’environnement ou à la santé humaine, veuillez le séparer des
autres types de déchets et le recycler de façon responsable. Vous favoriserez ainsi la réutilisation durable des ressources matérielles. Les particuliers sont
invités à contacter le distributeur leur ayant vendu le produit ou à se renseigner auprès de leur mairie pour savoir où et comment ils peuvent se débarrasser de
ce produit afin qu’il soit recyclé en respectant l’environnement. Les entreprises sont invitées à contacter leurs fournisseurs et à consulter les conditions de leur
contrat de vente. Ce produit ne doit pas être éliminé avec les autres déchets commerciaux.
Corretto smaltimento del prodotto (rifiuti elettrici ed elettronici)
(Applicabile in i paesi dell’Unione Europea e in quelli con sistema di raccolta differenziata) Il marchio riportato sul prodotto o sulla sua documentazione indica
che il prodotto non deve essere smaltito con altri rifiuti domestici al termine del ciclo di vita. Per evitare eventuali danni all'ambiente o alla salute causati
dall'inopportuno smaltimento dei rifiuti, si invita l'utente a separare questo prodotto da altri tipi di rifiuti e di riciclarlo in maniera responsabile per favorire il
riutilizzo sostenibile delle risorse materiali. Gli utenti domestici sono invitati a contattare il rivenditore presso il quale è stato acquistato il prodotto o l'ufficio
locale preposto per tutte le informazioni relative alla raccolta differenziata e al riciclaggio per questo tipo di prodotto. Gli utenti aziendali sono invitati a
contattare il proprio fornitore e verificare i termini e le condizioni del contratto di acquisto. Questo prodotto non deve essere smaltito unitamente ad altri rifiuti
Eliminación correcta de este producto (material eléctrico y electrónico de descarte)
(Aplicable en la Unión Europea y en países europeos con sistenmas de recogida selectiva de residuos)
La presencia de esta marca en el producto o en el material informativo que lo acompaña, indica que al finalizar su vida útil no deberá eliminarse junto con
otros residuos domésticos. Para evitar los posibles daños al medio ambiente o a la salud humana que representa la eliminación incontrolada de residuos,
separe este producto de otros tipos de residuos y recíclelo correctamente para promover la reutilización sostenible de recursos materiales. Los usuarios
particulares pueden contactar con el establecimiento donde adquirieron el producto, o con las autoridades locales pertinentes, para informarse sobre cómo y
dónde pueden llevarlo para que sea sometido a un reciclaje ecológico y seguro. Los usuarios comerciales pueden contactar con su proveedor y consultar las
condiciones del contrato de compra. Este producto no debe eliminarse mezclado con otros residuos comerciales.
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| For Gamers. by Gamers.
packaGe contents
• Razer Salmosa Gaming Mouse
• Certificate of Authenticity
• Quick Start Guide
• Master Guide with Razer™ Software Driver Downloader CD
• PC with USB port
• Windows® XP / x64 / Vista / Vista64
• Internet connection (for driver installation)
• CD-ROM drive
• 35MB free hard disk space
For Gamers. by Gamers.
02 Introduction
03 Package Contents
03 System Requirements
04 Installation / Registration / Technical Support
06 Key Features
07 Configuring Your Razer Salmosa
12 Using Your Razer Salmosa
14 Advanced Settings Guide
15 Safety And Maintenance
16 Legalese
18 FCC Declaration of Conformance
19 WEEE information
installation / reGistration / technical support
Windows® XP / x64 / Vista / Vista64 Installation Instructions
1. Plug mouse into the USB port of your computer.
2. Insert the Razer Software Driver Downloader CD into your CD-ROM drive.
3. When the Razer Software Driver Downloader setup screen appears, please select your
language. Click NEXT.
4. Read the license agreement. Click I AGREE if you accept all terms of the agreement.
5. Please wait while the Downloader downloads the latest driver installer.
6. Once the driver installer is downloaded, click INSTALL to start the installation
immediately; else the installation will begin in 5 seconds.
7. Follow the onscreen instructions.
8. When the installation is completed, follow the instructions onscreen to restart your
computer. Click FINISH.
Please visit
for online product registration.
What you’ll get:
• 2 years’ limited manufacturer’s warranty
• Free online technical support at
| For Gamers. by Gamers.
Korrekte Entsorgung dieses Produkts (Elektromüll)
(Anzuwenden in den Ländern der Europäischen Union und anderen europäischen Ländern mit einem separaten Sammelsystem)
Die Kennzeichnung auf dem Produkt bzw. auf der dazugehörigen Literatur gibt an, dass es nach seiner Lebensdauer nicht zusammen mit dem normalen Haushaltsmüll
entsorgt werden darf. Entsorgen Sie dieses Gerät bitte getrennt von anderen Abfällen, um der Umwelt bzw. der menschlichen Gesundheit nicht durch unkontrollierte
Müllbeseitigung zu schaden. Recyceln Sie das Gerät, um die nachhaltige Wiederverwertung von stofflichen Ressourcen zu fördern. Private Nutzer sollten den Händler,
bei dem das Produkt gekauft wurde, oder die zuständigen Behörden kontaktieren, um in Erfahrung zu bringen, wie sie das Gerät auf umweltfreundliche Weise recyceln
können. Gewerbliche Nutzer sollten sich an Ihren Lieferanten wenden und die Bedingungen des Verkaufsvertrags konsultieren. Dieses Produkt darf nicht zusammen
mit anderem Gewerbemüll entsorgt werden.
Eliminação Correcta Deste Produto (Resíduo de Equipamentos Eléctricos e Electrónicos)
Esta marca, apresentada no produto ou na sua literatura indica que ele não deverá ser eliminado juntamente com os resíduos domésticos indiferenciados no final do
seu período de vida útil. Para impedir danos ao ambiente e à saúde humana causados pela eliminação incontrolada de resíduos deverá separar este equipamento de
outros tipos de resíduos e reciclá-lo de forma responsável, para promover uma reutilização sustentável dos recursos materiais. Os utilizadores domésticos deverão
contactar ou o estabelecimento onde adquiriram este produto ou as entidades oficiais locais para obterem informações sobre onde e de que forma podem levar este
produto para permitir efectuar uma reciclagem segura em termos ambientais. Os utilizadores profissionais deverão contactar o seu fornecedor e consultar os termos e
condições do contrato de compra. Este produto não deverá ser misturado com outros resíduos comerciais para eliminação.
Korrekt affaldsbortskaffelse af dette produkt (elektrisk & elektronisk udstyr)
Mærket på dette produkt eller i den medfølgende dokumentation betyder, at produktet ikke må bortskaffes sammen med almindeligt husholdningsaffald efter endt
levetid. For at undgå skadelige miljø- eller sundhedspåvirkninger på grund af ukontrolleret affaldsbortskaffelse skal dette produkt bortskaffes særskilt fra andet affald
og indleveres behørigt til fremme for bæredygtig materialegenvinding. Hjemmebrugere bedes kontakte forhandleren, hvor de har købt produktet, eller den lokale
myndighed for oplysning om, hvor og hvordan de kan indlevere produktet med henblik på miljøforsvarlig genvinding. Erhvervsbrugere bedes kontakte leverandøren
og læse betingelserne og vilkårene i købekontrakten. Dette produkt bør ikke bortskaffes sammen med andet erhvervsaffald.
Prawidowe usuwanie produktu (zu×yty sprzt elektryczny i elektroniczny)
Oznaczenie umieszczone na produkcie lub w odnoszàcych si do niego tekstach wskazuje, ×e produktu po up ywie okresu u×ytkowania nie nale×y usuwa z innymi
odpadami pochodzàcymi z gospodarstw domowych. Aby uniknà szkodliwego wpywu na Êrodowisko naturalne i zdrowie ludzi wskutek niekontrolowanego usuwania
odpadów, prosimy o oddzielenie produktu od innego typu odpadów orazodpowiedzialny recykling w celu promowania ponownego u×ycia zasobów materialnych jako
staej praktyki. W celu uzyskania informacji na temat miejsca i sposobu bezpiecznego dla Êrodowiska recyklingu tegoproduktu u×ytkownicy w gospodarstwach
domowych powinni skontaktowa si z punktem sprzeda×y detalicznej, w którym dokonali zakupu produktu, lubz organem wadz lokalnych. U×ytkownicy w firmach
powinni skontaktowa si ze swoim dostawcà i sprawdzi warunki umowy zakupu. Produktu nie nale×y usuwa razem z innymi odpadami komercyjnymi.
Congratulations on purchasing your very own Razer Salmosa™ gaming mouse.
With the 1800dpi Razer Precision™ 3G infrared sensor at your disposal, be
prepared to experience a new level of accuracy. Complementing this incredible
precision is its lightweight and compact body, designed for optimal fingertip
Your time for gaming greatness has arrived.
Razer Salmosa
USB 1.1/2.0 mouse for Windows® XP / x64 / Vista / Vista64
A macro is a short sequence of keystrokes. You can create a macro by following the instructions below.
1. Load the Razer Configurator.
2. Choose a mouse button and select “Advanced” from its dropdown menu.
3. Type in the desired sequence of keystrokes. You can also include “On-The-Fly Sensitivity” in addition to
the macro.
4. Click APPLY when done.
key Features
Default button assignments
Mouse button 1 – Click
Mouse button 2 – Menu
Mouse button 3 – Scroll wheel and
Razer Precision™ 3G Infrared Sensor
Mechanical dpi switch
Mechanical polling rate switch
Ultraslick™ Teflon® feet
1000Hz (1ms) response time
16-bit ultra-wide data path
system reQuirements
Master Sensitivity Control
Changes the individual sensitivity setting for the X and Y axis of your Razer Salmosa.
Master sensitivity control can be enabled/disabled via the checkbox.
Master Acceleration Control
Allows adjustment of the pointer acceleration. You can also choose to switch on/off this
The scrolling rate can be adjusted to suit your preference by changing the scroll wheel
speed. The speed can be set from FAST to FASTEST.
Scroll Wheel Speed
Adjust the scroll wheel speed.
Select to indicate whether you are right-handed
or left-handed.
Button Assignment and Scroll Wheel
Under ‘BUTTON ASSIGNMENT’, you can assign
various functions to the mouse buttons.
The following functions are possible:
Normal mouse click. By default, with the
right-handed setting, the left button is set as
Opens a context-sensitive menu. By default, with
the right-handed setting, the right button is set
as menu.
Universal Scrolling:
Activate universal scrolling by clicking and
holding the assigned button.
pollinG rate switch
dpi switch
Double Click:
Perform a double click with the assigned button.
If the button function or key is not listed, or if you would like to assign a macro, select “Advanced” from the
drop-down menu. Macros can be up to 8 keystrokes and “On-The-Fly Sensitivity” can be assigned in addition
to the macro.
Windows Button 4:
Issues a “Back” command in Windows Explorer / Internet Explorer.
Windows Button 5:
Issues a “Forward” command in Windows Explorer / Internet Explorer.
Enables change of sensitivity settings of your mouse on the fly without the need to enter the configuration
Button Off:
Disables any function on the assigned button.
Universal Scrolling
Click and hold the assigned “Universal
Scrolling” button. Drag your Razer
Salmosa to scroll in the direction of the
mouse movement.
Test Area
Scrolling in this area allows you to test
the changes you’ve made to your scroll
wheel speed.
Master Windows Control
Adjusts the Windows pointer speed (as
per Windows Mouse Control Panel).
Note: Effect will only take place after
If "On-The-Fly Sensitivity" has been assigned to a
button, pressing that assigned button and moving
the scroll wheel will produce a bar at the lower
right-hand corner of your screen, allowing you to
dynamically adjust your sensitivity settings. This
feature requires the driver to be installed.
You’ll be able to update the Razer driver software
by clicking UPDATE in the upper right hand corner
of the panel. This will connect you to
for the latest driver
conFiGurinG your razer salmosa
The features listed here require the Razer Salmosa software driver to be installed and the Razer
Salmosa Tray Icon to be active. Each setting will be saved to the current Profile on the current
machine only.
Adjust the Razer Salmosa’s pointer sensitivity.
On-The-Fly Sensitivity™
Activate On-The-Fly Sensitivity to change the
sensitivity settings without the need to enter the
configuration menu.
Activating the SHOW ON-SCREEN option will
show a small display indicating the sensitivity
range whenever you make changes on the fly.
Double-Click Speed
Adjust the speed as fast as you want it. Move the
pointer along the scale, and then double-click the
TEST AREA to try the selected speed.
Clicking the ADVANCED button allows you to
access the Advanced Sensitivity Settings.
your mouse or pointing the beam in any one
else’s eye. Note that the infrared beam is NOT
visible to the naked human eye and is set on an
always-on mode.
2. Should you have trouble operating the mouse
properly and troubleshooting does not work,
unplug the device and contact the Razer hotline
or go to
for support. Do not
attempt to service or fix the device yourself at
any time.
3. Do not take apart the mouse (doing so will also
void your warranty) and do not attempt to
service it yourself or operate it under abnormal
current loads.
4. Keep your mouse away from liquid, humidity or
moisture. Operate your mouse only within the
specified temperature range of 0˚C(32˚F) to
40˚C(104˚F). Should you operate it in a
temperature that is beyond this range, unplug
and switch off the device in order to let the
temperature stabilize within the optimal
temperature range.
Here are some tips to ensure that you are comfortable
while using your mouse. Research has shown that
long periods of repetitive motion, improper
positioning of your computer peripherals, incorrect
body position, and poor habits may be associated
with physical discomfort and injury to nerves,
tendons, and muscles. Please follow these guidelines
to ensure comfortable use of your mouse and avoid
1. Position your keyboard and monitor directly in
front of you with your mouse next to it. Place
your elbows next to your side, not too far away
and your mouse within easy reach.
2. Adjust the height of your chair and table so
that the keyboard and mouse are at or below
elbow height.
3. Keep your feet well supported, posture
straight and your shoulders relaxed.
4. During gameplay, relax your wrist and keep it
straight. If you do the same tasks with your
hands repeatedly, try not to bend, extend or
twist your hands for long periods.
5. Do not rest your wrists on hard surfaces for
long periods. Use a wrist support such as
Razer’s gel-filled eXactRest™ to support your
wrist while gaming.
6. Customize the buttons on your mouse to suit
your style of gaming in order to minimize
repetitive or awkward motions while gaming.
7. Make sure that your mouse fits comfortably in
your hands.
8. Do not sit in the same position all day. Get up,
step away from your desk and do exercises to
stretch your arms, shoulders, neck and legs.
9. If you should experience any physical
discomfort while using your mouse, such as
pain, numbness, or tingling in your hands,
wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck or back, please
The Razer Salmosa is equipped with an infrared
sensor, which has a tracking beam that is invisible
to the naked human eye. There is a little regular
maintenance to keep the Razer Salmosa in optimum
condition. Once a month we recommend you unplug
the mouse from the USB port and clean the lens
below the Razer Salmosa with a soft cloth or cotton
swab. Use a little warm water but no soap or harsh
cleaning agents.
To get the ultimate experience in movement and
control, we highly recommend a premium mousing
surface from Razer. Some surfaces will cause undue
wear on the feet requiring constant care and eventual
Do note that the sensor of the Razer Salmosa is ‘tuned’
or optimized especially for the Razer mousing
surfaces. This means that the sensor has been tested
extensively to confirm that the Razer Salmosa reads
and tracks best on Razer mousing surfaces. Other
premium mousing surfaces from companies like
Everglide™ may work just as well.
©2008 Razer USA Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Razer™,
the Razer Triple-Headed Snake logo, the Razer
distressed word logo, Salmosa™ and other
trademarks contained herein are the property of
Razer USA Ltd and/or its affiliated or associated
companies, registered in the United States or other
All other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners. Actual product may differ from
Razer™ assumes no responsibility for any errors that
may appear in this software, manual or help file.
Information contained herein is subject to change
without notice.
Razer™ may have patents, patent applications,
trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets or other
property rights, intellectual and otherwise
concerning the product and subject matter in this
manual and software. Except as is provided in any
written license agreement provided by Razer™,
furnishing of this manual does not give you a license
to any such patents, trademarks, copyrights or other
intellectual property rights, whether registered or
otherwise. Patent Pending.
LICENSE AGREEMENT. This is a legal agreement
between you (either an individual end-user,
corporate entity or any other entity whatsoever) and
Razer™. By installing, uploading, copying or utilizing
in any way the software, you are agreeing to be
bound by the terms and conditions of this
Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this
Agreement, do not install the software and
promptly return the software package and other
items that are part of this product in their original
package with your payment receipt to your point of
purchase for a full refund.
Razer™ grants you a non-exclusive, revocable license
to use one copy of the enclosed software program,
licensed and not sold to you, ("Software") on one
computer only with the Razer™ product you have
purchased. No other rights are granted. The
Software is in use if it is installed, including but not
limited to loaded on the computer's permanent or
temporary memory. For backup purposes only, you
may make one copy of the Software for your own
use. You must include on the backup copy all
copyright and other notices included in the
Software as supplied by Razer™. Installation on a
network server for the sole purpose of your internal
distribution of the Software is permitted only if you
have purchased an individual Software package or
concurrent dedicated license for each networked
computer to which the Software is distributed.
Razer™ retains full ownership of the Software. You
shall not directly and/or indirectly attempt to
decompile, disassemble, reverse-engineer, or modify
the Software licensed to you in any way except as
allowed by law. You may not transmit the Software
over a network (except as expressly permitted above)
or electronically using any means. You may not
directly and/or indirectly transfer the Software except
upon a permanent transfer of the enclosed Razer™
product provided that all Software updates are
included in the transfer, you do not retain a copy of
the Software, and the transferee agrees to be bound
by the terms and conditions in this license. Upon any
violation of any of the provisions of the Agreement,
your rights to use the software shall automatically
terminate and all copies of the Software must be
returned to Razer™ or destroyed.
The warranties set forth in this agreement replace
and/or supersede all other warranties and your
remedies for breach of warranty are expressly
limited to those herein set forth. Razer™ expressly
disclaims all other warranties to the extent
allowed by law including, but not limited to, the
implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a
particular purpose and non-infringement of
third-party rights with respect to the
documentation, software (including patches
and/or updates) and hardware. No Razer™
supplier, dealer, agent, or employee is authorized
to make any modification, extension or alteration
of the warranty or to substitute products or
services, lost profits, loss of information or data, or
any other special, indirect, consequential or
incidental damages arising in any way out of the
distribution of, sale of, resale of, use of, or inability
to use any product or software subject to warranty
herein set forth. In no event will Razer™ be liable
for any special, incidental, indirect or
consequential damages whatsoever.
For the avoidance of doubt, in no event will Razer
™ be liable for any costs of procurement unless it
has been advised of the possibility of such
damages, and in no case shall Razer™ be liable for
any costs of procurements liability exceeding the
actual money paid for the products subject to
warranty at issue.
In the event some jurisdictions do not allow the
limitation of implied warranties or liability for
incidental, consequential, special, or indirect
damages, the above limitation may not apply. The
above limitations will not apply in case of
personal injury where and to the extent that
applicable laws require such liability.
The Software is provided to the U.S. government
only with restricted rights and limited rights. Use,
duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government
is subject to restrictions set forth in 48 C.F.R. 2.101
(October 1995), consisting of '"Commercial
Computer Software" and 'Commercial Computer
Software Documentation as such terms are used
in 48C.F.R. 12.212 (September 1995), and in FAR
Sections 52-227-14 and 52-227-19 r DFARS Section
52-227-7013 ©(1) (ii), or their successors, as
applicable. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.512 and 48
C.F.R. 227-7202-1 through 27-7204-4 (June 1995),
or any successor regulations, this Software is
provided to U.S. Government users pursuant to
the terms and conditions herein.
Fcc declaration oF
This equipment has been tested and found to
comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and
can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to
radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning
the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged
to try to correct the interference by one or more of
the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment
and the receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
different from that to which the receiver is
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio TV
technician for help.
For more information, refer to the online help
system on your Razer Salmosa™ CD-ROM or